eLofty Direct Drive Discussions-read before buying

Should be beneficial as DD operate at lower speeds longer than belt/gear drives and HFI supposedly increases startup torque

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compared to what?
un/sensored bldc?
un/sensored foc?

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I believe compared to un/sensored foc. As far as I understand, HFI isn’t yet available for foc. Or I might have that backwards…but I’m pretty sure it’s compared to un/sensored foc

Caveat my previous statement that HFI supposed increases startup torque compared to not having HFI on xD

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I tried HFI on the DD’s over the weekend and wasn’t able to get it to work yet.
I tried the settings: 20v, 16v, 20v

And there was still quite a bit of cogging. I might just extend my sensor wires and do sensored foc or sensored bldc instead

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My hanger broke ~2 weeks back. I wrote to Kenna and to my surprise I got an immediate response. She said she would get me a replacement hanger. After that she started making excuses though and eventually became completely silent so I don’t think there will be any replacement.

Still, I wouldn’t mind paying for the new hangers. I did enjoy riding my elofty drive. Are they available for sale anywhere?


I believe Nathan at @Esk8supply can provide them for you :slight_smile:


your motor cans look like they’ve been through hell :o


Tis but a scratch. :slight_smile:


Can I ask how much you weigh?

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about 75 kg, maybe 80 kg with gear

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I have a set of these on my build but didn’t get to ride them much before winter hit. Just wondering how careful I’ll have to be when summer arrives again :thinking:

First test drive and end up with the loose can thingy. :man_shrugging:
What do I do now? Screw it back up and apply locktite?
damaged the magnets. Sweet.

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Where did you order yours from?

Would love to know too. I thought the cans on all the ones currently shipping had set screws.

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I ordered it from esk8supply.

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Recently? This is the 58kv kit?


yup. last year group buy. 58kv. damn that was a bitch to put back. Do you know if other people have success with just locktite on the can?

EDIT: what’s the amp rating on this motor? Does anyone know?

hmmmmm that’s somewhere between 12 and 15 (I’ve honestly lost count) motor cans that have unscrewed… all right-hand side drives as well… If I were you, I’d read through the thread… :arrow_up:


i love to read thru 1225 posts but that’s gonna be around the summer. i’m in school right now doing engineering on my last year.