eLofty Direct Drive Discussions-read before buying

Any updates today? I want to live vicariously through you guys :rofl: Anxious AF waiting for Monday and my board to get here.

Ah mate, I’m exactly the same! Got everything ready including new bearings, 3 sets of bushings, 97mm abec’s.

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hi dear
how was the wheels , i saw you take the rubber wheels


for now, all of trucking number is on eBay or shopfy , which platform you bought, please check it.

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hi dear , where you get the photo

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From Rudd On WeChat

Is this feature only available on the latest firmware? I’m having trouble looking for it under ack3.102 Vesc tool.

Try Ackimaniac firmware and bump the Battery Current Max Regen to -40. This is what u did with both Hummie Hubbs and Carvon V4 TDs.

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Will do thanks.

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No worries, glad to help.

@pookybear, I did it with the original vesc_tool mobile app. I assume the same exists with desktop as well. What @mmaner said is incorrect. This problem has nothing got to do with Battery Regen current setting. You should be able to solve it by

  1. Using Current mode(not current-no-reverse-with-braking) for mapping your ppm
  2. Limit the reverse speed. I don’t know if it’s available in Ackimaniac firmware or not.

You can skip point 2 but if you forget that your board can start accelerating in reverse after it has stopped, then you’ll fall as the board moves back.

Battery ± amps should be set to what your battery is capable of handling and motor ±amps should be set to what your motor is capable of handling. You can take care of the battery amps for your board, but for the motor, I have found the following to be a good setting. A few others have said it works well for them too.


On the vesc tool, you can set the reverse max erpm. Forgot what exactly what it’s called.


I’m incorrect? And yet it works, odd that.

What works? Pookybear was asking about the setting to restrict reverse speed. You are talking about bumping the Battery Current Max Regen to -40. There is no relation. It makes 0 sense.

That’s what I initially thought too. I thought max Regen is high speed braking. It kinda made me scratch head BUT I’m no expert compare to you guys.

What I’m after is low speed downhill. Skyart from the other forum sent me a video of his unloaded skateboard on a downhill and he was on max brake. And it was still rolling down.

We have:

  • -55
  • -7

Works amazing on flats. We will try both suggestions above.


Ok let me explain what’s going on on each solution.

@mmaner is suggesting to up Regen amp, which will make your braking harder and more responsive.

The problem with DD isn’t that the brake sucks. It’s the full brake low rpm rolling resistance is low. So it will roll at full brake at low speed.

@mishrasubhransu’s solution is to use active braking instead of what the Vesc do in current no reverse with brake mode, which simply just short the 3 phases on full brake. Active braking allows the Vesc to push reverse current to brake. Therefore, it solves the issue of rolling. This is especially important for big wheels or AT on DD since theres a lot more torque applied to the wheel while staying in place and the shorted phase wire resistance is not enough to keep you in place.


Perfectly explained Wing! I am gonna add this above.

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Makes perfect sense now. Gracias!

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I’m gona experiment to see how to completely get rid of reverse while getting active braking when I get back. Exway hobbywing ESC has it and I love how hard it brakes.


I did the math:

7km/hr to rpm

7 x 1000000 = 7000000
7000000/60 = 116,666 mm/min

116,666/55 (radius of 110mm) = 2121rpm

7km/h = 2121rpm

This is based on what Google told me to do.

2121rpm will be set to max reverse rpm to try.

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