cool, glad it helped… a word of caution, check EVERY single screw, nut, everything on these drives… nothing was lock tight, and not even every screw was tight, the most troublesome for me was when my brand new (replacement drive) started to unscrew on the actual can…
and on the replacement axle, the threads on the 12mm nut was not long enough to engage the nylock, check that and add some lock tight. In fact, lock tight everything, also the nuts on the axle are 8mm and not typical Esk8 nuts grab a bunch of those at the local hardware store while you wait, and some emery cloth, wet and dry or probably your wheel bearings won’t fit…
On my first axle I sanded down the bearing surface by hand… on the second axle I took EVERYTHING apart and chucked it up in a low-speed lathe and took my time making sure everything was nat’s butt on…
Good luck bro… we’ll be here to help ya out if ya need it!