It’s certainly unique ground. Especially if some rider were to bring a spare board of their own, that might vary in performance from their original? Seeing mario out for the whole weekend on his stooge would have likely drastically changed the results though, so it’s lucky they were able to steal spare parts for it.
I could easily see the monsoon in pro getting outclassed by all of the next three boards that came in behind the podium finishers. Would have been a very different story.
I lean more towards if you break your board you’re out unless you can fix it, but that is sort of harsh when our numbers are so small
I’m not sure its fair to compare to any other sport either, with like F1 or something it’s not like you’re getting back in a spare car if you mess up
I think dropping out of the race because of a board failure sucks. I think board swaps should be allowed but only if the original board fails and it cannot be repaired in time for the next heat. And the new board must go through inspection to confirm if it fits the category.
I don’t think we can compare the two sports.
With F1 there’s a pit crew waiting for you all the time to swap parts that break. With esk8 you are on your own and work out of your own budget not a sponsors budget. It’s not like everyone can take an exact replica of their raceboard with them disassembled in parts to fix something on the primary board if it fails.
And for example if you crack a deck, even if you have a replacement on you. Do you have the time to do a deck swap between heats? I weren’t there so I don’t know how much downtime you had, but I don’t think I could do a deck swap on my board quick enough between heats at the races that we have in the EU.
I think if it’s clearly a lesser board, especially in pro and mod, it should fly. With that being said, maybe there should be a rule that if you have to swap, you now have to race the other board the remainder of the day and/or weekend.
I see that for sure being what people do as the sport grows. I already would like to have a full ready backup remote after having issues at esk8con. Obviously big price difference between an extra remote and an extra board but same thinking.
Haha yeah I allllways bring an extra puck to races. Some extra bearings, tires, etc. Never a whole board though cuz nothing else I have is close to the performance
I agree. But I would prefer if it would be for only that day. You don’t have much time to fix stuff during the heats, but whatever goes wrong you can probably fix that for next day. Since the next day has its own qualification and it’s basically a separate race, I think it would be fair if you could start that day on the primary board again.
They’re all gonna be the same track layout with minor differences like width and surface. With that being said, this track was narrow but had pretty good grip, I hit upper 30’s I believe.
What’s the point of making rules about the type of board? So what if another team with less resources had the same issue? No spare board? No more racing? Seems pay to win to me.
These rules incentivize the following:
A fleet of shoddily put together (to stay below the price limit) boards that only need to survive however many laps.
Is that what we want?
Seems like losing due to some kind of failure would be great motivation for meepo/SRB to improve their product.
Mario was racing a MLR in modified and a SSS in pro. His SSS had an issue so he used his MLR to qualify. He lost a lap of qualifying due to the failure and wasn’t given an extra lap. Since it was a big step down in performance I don’t think anyone was concerned about it being an unfair advantage. Others brought multiple boards as well for the different classes.
I do think it should be in the rule book though. Something like - If a board failure prohibits a rider from qualifying they may qualify on an equal or lesser board. Up to the discretion of the race coordinator.
You have lots of opinions and shit stirring about races you don’t even compete in.
You should start your own race league with your specific set of rules. I think that’d be great!
I did wanna do a 100mi race from NYC to Poughkeepsie New York. Everything is included in your time: falls, breakdowns, charging , not being able to charge bc another team took all the watts at the charge spot, etc etc etc