Electrify Expo 2024 Races / Helmets!

I’ve heard that the tracks might be the same layout at each location. Anyone confirm this?

If there is a time to build janky shit to go fast, it’s this on a closed course. This is how the sport is improved, if everything needed to be proven, nothing would get improved because of the punishment when something goes wrong.

So if the rules you’re saying went into effect, I could travel across the country and have a backup board but wouldn’t be able to use it if my main board took a shit. I think that’s retarded. We need to stop looking at this from an F1 perspective and more like a motocross perspective, this racing is meant to be serious and fun but it’s a balance.


Yeah I think I just don’t really like this form of racing then :rofl:

I care way more about the boards than the racers

@JDH have you considered that it may be unfair to allow the Meepo MLR to race in the stock and mod classes?

It clearly has an advantage over other stock and mod boards, and it’s not even available for sale.

IMO, if a board isn’t available to purchase, it’s not fair to allow a select few people to race it in the stock and mod classes, unless it is made available to anyone who wants to race one.


Confirmed the track layout will be very similar in all locations. Probably wider it sounds like though.

You can currently buy the MLR as of a couple weeks ago.
Yes, it outcompetes everything else in the category.

I think it could be a good thing though and lead to more affordable raceboards from other popular brands.


i think that’s the point he’s making, it’s sold out atm so you can’t get your hands on one even if you wanted to

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I think a month lead time isn’t something too irregular in this hobby.

I get where you’re coming from though. A few people got access to them right away and dominated the class while others competing didn’t have that opportunity as it’s a brand new model.

Maybe a clause for a model being out at least 3 months before a race so everyone can get access would be better?


The stooge team having it did give an advantage, but since you can buy it and I have info that the first set should ship mid may, it seems fair to allow it for LB.

Also, LB will have a lot more competition than phoenix I think

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Currently it’s only available for preorder. The first batch hasn’t even been shipped yet.

Can’t say for mod, but personally I felt like they played the rules a bit by dropping the MSRP from 2599 to 2499 to fit right within the rules to compete in stock a few days before the race.


They bumped the max price to 3000 in the rules anyways

Helps to have a ton of interest free forgivable loans from the government and a 80% discount on labor. Makes it way easier to take strategic losses


$3000 for mod but stock is still $2500, and yeah I’m pretty sure the MLR price was changed last minute to fit that rule.

I tried to buy one on April 22nd since some already had them, but was told it was not released yet. Last week was the first time the public was able to put in an order.

Honestly, not a big deal, but would be nice to have others on it too.

I’m referring to the “non-sale advertised price” language used in the rulebook for ERL. The board has had a markdown price for 1999 since day one on their site, but the “original” price that the rules looks at was changed.

Yea… meepo is playing games to fit within the rule book for sure. We had a pretty long debate within the team to decide if we would let it race or not and ultimately it came down to… “it fits within the current rules”

Me personally, I don’t think that it should be racing in stock at the moment… in the future sure… Season 1…I want to see stock everyday commuter boards racing in the stock class.

We’re having a meeting today to discuss PHX. and make any rule changes/additions for LB…

Who’s coming??? You guys have a few weeks left to register and get ready!!


I’d like to see a little more openness to basic mods in the stock class. I.e bushings, tires, bindings, grip type stuff being allowed but no major changes to trucks/electronics/gearing.

Yes those changes help the rider but don’t completely change the board’s power or overall function. It’s difficult to find riders that have completely stock boards and when the race isn’t all on the exact same board (a true stock class race imo) it’s not apples to apples anyways.


We are talking about that today, not that we had a huge stock class turnout but we’re not going to deny someone just because of grip tape. I’ll update this post with the rulebook changes after today.


I don’t think they are doing it in bad faith, they just happen to be the first out with a board like it.

Most companies and people will always push the limits for rules in competitive environments.

The pricing issue is mostly because of marketing. Most of us know the sale price is the actual price. Maybe this is a reason for esk8 companies to start just listing it’s real price.

Anyway, it’s a tough call. Bindings + 3links pretty strong for racing.

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I respect whatever conclusion the team and race officials come to, so personally I didn’t have a problem racing against them in stock. Also as mentioned the turnout for stock wasn’t huge, so without the MLR it would’ve been just 3 guys racing. But I feel like if the numbers for stock will be much greater for LB and future races, at least in S1, it should be excluded or else the entire stock podium will just be filled with them and other boards can have a chance. It’s proved it can do damage in mod too by taking 1st and 2nd there. Idk just my 2 cents as a stock racer.