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woops, 20T my bad, fixed it

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20T motor pulleys aren’t crazy. 14T to 20T is about the normal range but I advise against 14T. I’ve even seen 12T but don’t advise it.

15T is by far the most common.


hell yeah, fuck it I’ll go 20T. Would you recommend one of these suppliers over the other? They’re both almost exactly same price


I would never buy from eskating dot euro.


hahah, howcome?

Lol here it comes


If you want your stuff late, wrong stuff, and to be treated like an asshole for ordering from them, then go ahead. The guy that runs it is a complete asshole.

The last time I ordered motor pulleys from them, they were like 4 months late and only came when I asked about them, and they were made incorrectly and I had to have a machine shop fix them.

And then, the owner of the place will call you a “motherfucker” for asking any questions.

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But look at this wonderful advertisement I found on enertion forum!

That was a month or two prior to him turning into an asshat.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: well fuck that guy then, I’ll go with the other one lol

That’s what I want to hear :metal:

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getting tempted to pick up a set of these as well now :shushing_face: @moon still making pulleys for these?


yes I am, might have 1 set left


I’m making slow progress, but here’s the new layout I’m working on: swapped out the 6355’s 190KV’s with SK3 6365 170KV’s because the goddamn cans always come loose - have them set-up dual diagonal now. Then I toasted the canbus on my FOCBOXes so I removed the chip (thanks to help from @BillGordon) and I’m running dual indy with Master Cho remote now thanks to @iamasalmon. Eventually be putting dickyho long mounts on when I get my 20T motor pulleys - I’ll be needing some 12mm X 315mm belts for those if anyone’s got the hook-up! What you see is roughly the layout I think I’ll have, would love alternative suggestions though!

The enclosure situation is another bridge I’ll have to cross eventually obv :sweat_smile:

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If you wanna do two enclosures, I might have you covered on one for the focboxes.

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Yeah thank you, I think that’s what’s gonna happen since I can’t afford a new flexy battery and split enclosure I think would take care of the flex I got on this board. What’s the enclosure piece you have??

Also, what about dual diagonal on the same truck?

Oo that enclosure looks like it could be good depending how deep it is! Dual diagonal on same truck would be sick but I’m not sure if I’ll have clearance length-wise with the long mounts. I really wanna go 20T on the motor pulleys which I can only pull off with long mounts. The way it’s set-up now I definitely don’t have clearance from the ground to front mount anything, that’s also largely attributed to the fact that it’s drop through atm. I think I’m gonna top mount the trucks with split angles (prolly wedges) which might give me the clearance to mount dual diagonal on the same truck. It’ll look pretty fuckin goofy with the long mounts but that’s kind of my style :smiley:

Pretty sure its plenty deep

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