Earthwing Supermodel | SS 12S5P P42A | MakerX DV6 | 2WD 6384 belt drive | Onsra 115mm wheels | BN270

Thanks! I really only need to have a belt in my pocket and that’s all for mid-ride maintenance, belt swap is around 10 seconds when not filming :slight_smile:

dang if only my belts would fit around my wheels. :sob:


Switching to ideaTB mounts was by far the best choice I’ve made when it comes to mounts. Simple to use, great fitment and an elegant look! Best mounts around for caliber style trucks


I like them too! The fitment of the BN adapter could be a little tighter though, it has a bit of play on my BN270s.

I actually crashed a few days ago, took the board into a forest trail and didn’t see a root in the ground :man_facepalming: I am fine just bruised up my hip a bit. The front truck got slightly stuck in the root, but somehow got over it. Then the rear truck came, and the root stopped it completely at around 22-23 km/h. I didn’t expect it so I couldn’t run it out, played superman and landed on my hip, kneepads, and elbow pads. The mounts took it like a champ. The only thing that happened is that I needed to retighten the grub screws after.

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Use some blue locktight one those grubs and you’ll be good to go! I made the mistake of using red. Had to summon the hulk just so I could move the mount an 8th inch

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Had blue 243 on both of them! Now that I’ve retightened them I didn’t add loctite again though, didn’t had the patience to wait out the cure before a ride. Currently holding fine without loctite, but I will apply some 243 again later

I might just swap to M8 capheads if those fit fine. Will need to go to the hardware store in a few days anyways

Blue is not a kind of Loctite. They are numbered, and many of them are blue :crazy_face:


You are correct! My bad with the misinformation. That’s actually how I ended up getting my grub screws stuck. Used the blue bottle but it ended up being almost permanent.

Use locktite but not the permanent type of locktite or else you’ll need to call the hulk… and maybe a therapist for the trauma it’ll bring you.

It would help a lot of folks if we just used numbers.

How about Loctite 243


I wish he made short no-idler versions too :grinning:
cough cough @IDEA


Just take off the idler! You can adjust the center distance by moving the motors. I assume you want to use smaller belts tho

I have shorter

@ISOgone4good chose the longest one


I have the 92mm variant, didn’t realize there’s already a shorter one, nice :ok_hand:

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Still not as short as the 56-68mm Boardnamics mount which still isn’t as short as the enertion style mount. (If you’re really trying to cram.)

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Damn wish I knew there was a longer version! Still, zero complaints with the 92mm version