I am seeing 22x22mm and 22.4x22.4. I’m assuming the 22x22mm is what I am looking for.
What motor mount plates are you guys using?
I am seeing 22x22mm and 22.4x22.4. I’m assuming the 22x22mm is what I am looking for.
What motor mount plates are you guys using?
I just bought myself a pair of apex jump drives. Excited to try them out
that combo was too loose for my taste, getting some harder bushings in to try in the meantime. Will there be an option of a hanger bushing seat? (or would that go against the original design?)
I haven’t done it, but the Radium m3 motor mounts should fit. They fit 22x22 and 22.4x22.4
They are 22x22 R6, same standard that apex airs use
Boardnamics gear drive with the apex adapters
Jump drive from apex
I think idea has some motor mounts for belt setups also
I’ve been using clamps I made in combination with laser cut plates from sendcutsend. Nice simple option that can be made to work with belts or open geardrives. Been meaning to make more to make this an option.
Try harder front bushings… The split front to rear might have been to much. I’m really liking 87 f 90 r right now which is what I was thinking of shipping with now, along with extra 84 and 93 single bushing to fine tune either softer of harder. Going to get more feedback on this setup from local riders soon.
I think a bushing seat would be to restrictive but maybe I can try it later.
I assume those are 84mm long motors on the 270mm truck? How is the motor clearance on that if you lean super deep into the turns? My setup would be 6395 motors with 3mm spacers so 98mm total length on the 300mm trucks, on BN gear drives. 1mm extra clearance compared to 84 motor 270 trucks
yes on the 270mm hangars and 84mm cans. we added a few mm (2/side or 4mm/side can’t recall which) of spacers to push the GD out a tad. so the motors just clear the base plate at max lean.
Sounds good, thanks!
I’ve got a rolling chassis! Really hoping I’ll be able to get the parts and build the battery in time for Phoenix🤞
Sorry tucker but the front axles reaaaaallly pain me lol
Got mine yesterday, forgot to take any pics lol.
The assembly process threw me for a loop for a min.
The quality is incredible and they do inspire confidence. I’m very excited to get these on rocinante
Nice! What size battery you putting in that build?
I think I’ll be able to fit a 20s4p into the enclosure
Cool. Looking forward to seeing them on that build.
Been meaning to write a quick assembly guide on the site and on here. I’ll draft something.
That’s going to be a dope build… I wanted to do something similar to my friends board but it has the bulky lonestar enclosure.
Just bought a set on 4/20! Very excited to get these on my Haero build I’m starting! Will take pics when I get em!
Sick! They’re going to feel so good on a bro deck.