Duality Trucks by Tito Systems

Supprisingly complicated and nuanced question!

I’ll preface that I can only really talk specifics about Nothing Fancy (Lacroix Duality build) and Ankle Wreacher (Stooge v5 4wd build), but they’re very different board. I hope that the conclusions that I draw from the differences between the two (very different boards) are accruate conclusions of Dualities vs 3-links, generally.

General Feel
Nothing Fancy is definitly more snappy and manuverable then Ankle Wreacher. This makes a big difference to the characteristics when turning- I can be much more dynamic on Nothing Fancy, feeling out and riding the edge of traction with my feet/ankles. On Ankle Wreacher, because of how much inertia it has, I do by feathering the throttle on the edge of traction. However, this difference in prefered riding style is most likely due to the weight difference and power avalibility, not trucks. Ankle Wreacher is significantly heavier then Nothing Fancy(like, 2x) and has like 6 pounds of motors attached to the front truck.

Another massive difference is the deck/frame
Nothing fancy is a Fiberglass/plywood deck that has a non-negligible amount of flex. When I go into a turn, pressing into the deck flexes it, and changles the geometry of the trucks to be more agressive, decreasing the turning radius. Bascically I’m able to throw myself into a corner, and the cornering forces change the board’s shape and truck geometry, which pulls the board around me. I’m able to make fine adjustments to the turning radius very quickly by changing the pressure I putting into the board with my legs.

Ankle Wreacher doesn’t do this, at all. Makes switching between the two boards on race day a challenge, and was eternally grateful for the outlaps in San Fran. When I go into a turn, the turn I set is the turn I get, pressure on the board be damned. If anyone’s ridden a stiff 3-link setup with BRP’s, you know this “on rails” feeling. It doesn’t have the “dynamic turning radius” that Nothing Fancy does.

To complicate things further, the standing platform is different. Ankle Wreacher’s V5 frame has me level with the axles. Nothing Fancy is close, but it’s ~10mm higher then the axles. This, plus tires that are ~20mm larger in diameter puts me higher off the ground. HOWEVER- when I’m in a turn and flexing Nothing Fancy’s deck, the standing platform lowers to be much closer to Ankle Wreacher’s.

At EE San Fran, I ran BRP Wides 45A on Ankle Wreacher, Linpower Slicks on Nothing Fancy(Thanks @poasttoast!). Obviously, the BRP Wides have more grip then Linpower Slicks, so I was able to be faster around the corners.

Another notable effect is tire “squish” under pressure. When applying turning forces, the shape of a tire deforms from a perfect circle into a “squished circle” shape, decreasing the effective diameter. This decreases the “ride height” of the board. But due to different pressures on the inside/outside sides of the turn, but the effect isn’t equal, and can cause the trucks to no longer be level with the ground, which changes the deck angle(with the ground) that’s required to hold a set turning angle. This can change the turning radius non-negligiblly.

On Ankle Wreacher, the BRP wide tires have basically zero tire squish. The Linpower slicks don’t either, but when I switched to Linpower tires the morning of racing (From 200mm Kendas), I had to compleately re-learn the dynamics of Nothing Fancy because it had a much more “on rails” feeling. Not as much as Ankle Wreacher though, because of deck flex and the Lins still have some squish.

I mention this because it definitily affects the feeling of the trucks, and how responsive they feel. Just another factor to sus out.
(I daily Nothing Fancy on 200mm Kendas, which have a lot of squish and are very fun to slide on)

No competition here. Nothing Fancy is 20s, 180 max total motor amps. Ankle Wreacher is 720 max total motor amps, 12s.

I was frequently full throttle on Nothing Fancy before I compleated the turn, while on Ankle Wreacher I could barely touch full throttle without breaking traction, so could only happen after I’ve compleated the turn and lined up for the next one (aka there was basically no power ceiling).

At EE San Fran, I was faster on Ankle Wreacher then Nothing Fancy, but not by much! Only a second or two. I belive this to be primarily because of Nothing Fancy’s traction and power limitations, not because of the different trucks setups.

TLDR; All of these factors makes it hard to detangle what is an effect from the trucks and what is an effect from the 3-links. I think the differences between my to boards are down to powertrain and deck setup, not the trucks. From my perspective, 3-links and duality trucks achieve the same thing, just with very different mechanisms.

I’m confident that with the right setup, a Duality raceboard could definitely challenge a 3-link setup.

I would really love to see duality trucks on an MLR Deck (and a custom powertrain). With the stiffness and crazy dropdown of that deck, I think that’d be an OP setup that could be directly compeate with 3-links.
I don’t need another board…I don’t need another board…Anyone wanna commission it


Great writeup!

When I rebuilt RaceBro into RaceBoi I went from that Nothing Fancy feel towards that’s V5 feel you are describing. And I went that direction quite a long way!

I don’t know which specific change caused what difference in ride feel exactly, because I did too many changes at once to tell.

  • I installed front motors: +3kg / 6.5lbs weight added to front axle - 6385s along with a pair of BN drives. And with my 9x3.5 wheels I had a very heavy front axle to begin with.
  • Swapped deck to a longer deck - went from 95cm to 105.5cm / 41.5" wheelbase now.
  • Went from not too bad but definitely suboptimal standing platform height to basically as good as a V5. Maybe even a little better - as with the V5 the deck is not exactly in the middle of the axle, more like on top of the axle. I am 3mm above the middle of axle in the front (which in my opinion matters much more than the rear where I didn’t get it this close). Along with a not steel deck, so probably got it down to the mm.
  • Much more rigid deck compared to the Haero Bro - Tomiboi Hellhound with I think 9 ply plus glass plus carbon on the bottom. Not quite zero flex, at least after I turned it into swiss cheese, but close.

After the rebuild, I definitely felt like I lost the possibility for that dynamic riding and gained that on rails just set steering angle feeling. Now with some tweaking and getting used to the setup I am starting to regain some of that responsiveness, but the board definitely turned from an all around great board that does great on the track, to a track weapon that should be primarily used on the track. Hell, I basically built a V5 without building a V5. Other then the BRP tires… Which I would love to get a set of eventually along with some custom wheel hubs to adapt onto the MBS pattern… If it weren’t so expensive to get it manufactured.


Great way to put it. I feel exactly the same way on nothing fancy when I switch from normal 200mm Kendas to linpowers


great write up, i think i have to get a set of duality’s to run on my race board. make it my pre esk8con project. hopefully it isn’t a very snowy winter up here


Thanks for the write-up! Was chatting to @Dinnye about this just a couple weeks back on changing my current raceboard off the Meepo Links and getting a set of Dualities on there as there are just soo many little annoyances and details that bug me with using Meepo Links and after trying Bence’s RaceBro setup on track (despite unoptimal conditions) I’m more or less sold on jumping ship. @Titoxd1000 just wondering what is the baseplate to axel height on the flat deck versions of the dualties? Trying to beat Tucker to his idea (but with the Brady deck).


Thanks everyone


It is Zelda build on the product page and gallery page. @AlexB takes some great photos!


Front truck height is 60mm. 7mm forward of bolt pattern center.
Rear truck height is 50mm (10mm riser included). 22mm rearward of bolt pattern center.


I’m about to pull the trigger on the 300mm MTB version, I think.

After taking Mountain Man (4WD Bro/Airs/Jump Drives) on some gnarly mountain bike trails yesterday - and just straight up failing to nail those tight switchback turns - I’m eager as heck to see how Dualities will compare to PKPs for dirty, dusty, and rocky off-road riding.


Where’d you go? Mt Tabor?

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I’m actually meaning to spend time exploring Mt Tabor. Other than joining those couple rides last year, I haven’t spent any time on the trails yet.

We went to a big mountain bike trail network in Scappoose. It’s located on logging land & has some truly epic views. We went off-peak, and all the bikers we met were nice to us.

But we got our asses (literally) handed to us. Sharp banked switchbacks, steep drops with roots & ruts… We attempted a blue diamond & ended up walking/sliding down most of it.

So ground clearance + turn radius will absolutely be put to the test there.


The UPS and FedEx driver showed up in my driveway at the same time and both were giving each other the evil eye. But it was all good, because both the Dualities and the eboosted enclosure arrived at the same time. It was almost too much for me to handle all at once.