Duality, a different approach.

I have ideas, some work some don’t.
I was a little inspired from the speedboard, but i wanted a dual hub motor.
I’m sure you guys as will call it the BatmoBoard or something
I’ve waited to post the build as i wanted to ride it first and make sure it actually rides.

Parts list:
Flux AT2 deck, enclosure and heastsink
18s5p Molicel p42a pack (old pack)
New pack build is (see post 110)
18s5p 21700 AM04 tabless cells.
Flipsky/Maxkgo charge only bms
SKP Solo dual escs. W/Metr option
MBS Matrix III trucks
Custom designed 6061 mounts
Saber dynamics anti sink plates
(2) Onewheel XR hub motors w/mounts
(2) burris 11x7x6 tx33 tires
Ignite foam grip tape
*switched from Hoyt puck to Flipsky VX4 remote
*also added DaveGa display

  • added MBS F5 front binding

first up after getting the deck and enclosure was the Battery layout.
18s5p fits nicely with plenty of room.
I made the battery myself.

once i received the trucks i was able to mock up the hub mounts for each end.
I wanted to keep the standing platform below the center of the hub axle for stability.

i measured 17 times and finally cut the brand new Matrix III’s! Then had a buddy of mine weld the mounts to the hangar
they came out great!

getting the SKP SOLOs all programmed up and running!
This is my first experience with the “stacked” style esc. I like the idea behind it.

Here it is upside down with the enclosure bolted down, getting ready to terminate the phase and hall wires on each hub motor

the front of the box was a little harder to poke the phase and hall wires out of, i decided to make a small kydex insert for a wire cover.

the rear came with a really nice cover that does a great job of hiding the connections.

its long and low.

love this grip tape!

it sits low!

I’ll have to edit this later and post some better pics, i have a lot of suspension tuning i really want to try. Stay tuned…
Ps it’ll burn both tires at the same time.



Hooooooly smokes :fire: this is… SO COOL!
Hows it ride? :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:


Dude, this is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a while. Post ride footage asap! BOTY 2024 might already be in the bag…


It’s upright just sitting there!


It’s very different than anything I’ve ridden before.
I tried it with soft bushings on the inside position, if you lean too hard too fast it’ll lock out in the opposite direction. (Not cool) but once you get up to speed 10-15mph it’s really smooth.

I think i need to move to a tire that is more round on the rear so the board rolls onto the sidewalls easier, the current tires are pretty square and hard to lean on

I also want to try some harder bushings up front to minimalize the lockout. I removed the bushings completely just to try it, it Def made things worse.


Dude I’ve been following your build in the pictures thread and it’s so siiiick. +1 to coolest build in a while. Really make me want to build one. Have always wanted to build out a speed board. Wish they would sell me the parts since we all know they’re not going to.

Anyways can’t wait for the ride videos!


I had a girl following me on a onewheel for the first rides, I’ll try and the footage from her tomorrow.
I really appreciate the kind words.
Let me get this steering figured out a little better before you go spending money to do it.


So cool! I like the unique approach, tbh I’m surprised you can even ride it though, the steering geometry is very odd haha


I’m just gonna say this:


Awesome work!!!


bravo for the innovation. people like you push the activity forward for the less innovation minded of us. this looks awesome and no offense ,scares me a bit,(not so easy to do)I love it

Edit,the faith in your buddies welding is also admirable ,I do weld(so badly) but if I built it ,id have had a far less clean look(read ugly penetration for safety) as I DO not trust my life to my welds(no story here )


You did it!


Ride video asap pls


Well this is wild.


This is the most “buddy with a welder” picture I’ve ever seen :sparkles:


Here’s one of the very first rides, i still have a lot of suspension tuning to do


That lockup is where I think the waterborne surf skate adapters would either save you or exacerbate the issue. It offsets the steering geometry as the top and bottom plates can pivot sideways from each other.

Definitely play around with bushings and what you have on hand first… but keep this in the back of your mind.


it looks like the board is counter steering when you watch the video in slo-mo. you were pushing your heels down and the board was going toe side

• ill start off by saying i’m not an engineer. with that out the way, two things i would try is harder bushings so it’ll just roll onto the edge of the tire instead of actually turning the tire. it probably won’t be very maneuverable tho.
• another potential solution is to do the above
• the other potential solution is to do like what 2swift does and have metal plate to bolt into the mounting holes and metal tubing arcing around the front tire with a metal sheet welded on the end so the tire can be mounted the opposite direction.


I just got back from a badass ride on it!!!

I have been playing with bushings and bushing position all day, finally found the magic combo!

Green Lacroix in the wide position on the rear and blue lacroix on the wide position in front.
I also realized you need a round shape tire on the rear so the deck can lean easier.

I’m super excited now! It’s amazingly stable at speed, half tempted to take it to the group ride tonight.

I’m in love, more video to follow.


Did the bushing change resolve the lock out issue you were experiencing during a carve? How much lean are you able to get in a turn?