Dual anti-sparks in 4WD setup?

If you use ios then “yours truly” is the app you want. On android there’s not many options sadly. You are either paying for a metr or voyage module (which is pretty expensive) or you use vesc tool to record logs (which sucks) or you can only see realtime data (vesc tool, freesk8)

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They still use a 5 ohm resistor. I haven’t tried it on high voltage but i would guess it would also burn out fairly quickly.

Hummie ordered some 15 ohms QS8s custom made, those should work reliably, he might still have some left. That said if the ESC supports hibernation style turn off like the makerx do, I would stick to the on off button personally.

I’ll stop lurking and jump in to add a tangential solution that I use on my raceboard

The caps do discharge when I stop pre-charging with the external resistor (before I plug it in directly), but as long as I’m quick the AS150s can handle that easily.

Not the most ideal solution, but the only time I’m plugging in the batteries is after maintenance/modifications (because my G300 ESCs have a built in power switch)