Dual anti-sparks in 4WD setup?

Anyone tried using 2 anti-sparks together? I was thinking of using a single power button with 2 antispark switches in a 4wd setup. Any advice or insight is appreciated!

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I don’t see why it wouldn’t work, but I’m not sure using two failure prone devices together is a good idea. Consider using a big qs8 loop key for all 4 or something similar


Thanks yeah I think it’s not advised, from asking around I’ve found it’s possible the delay in switching could actually damage the CAN or low voltage circuits in the ESC, I still want to stick with a switch so linking the signal between the two ESC power buttons is the next idea - like this

ohhh the d100s power button. it’s not an antispark, it’s just a deep sleep mode. I have mine wired exactly this way. that’ll work


Yeah, I did get separate 2 Anti Sparks too but seems like the linked ESC power button method looks like the safer option, cheers


I run a large qs8 that splits off into the 2 escs and powers them on simultaneously. Been running this for about a year now


Another option if you don’t want to do something fancy electrically. You could get a double pole switch, and wire each pole to either esc.

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Is it actually needed to connect the power signal to both ESCs? Asking around I’ve heard you don’t need to do this, as the power button wakes all controllers on the CAN?

PWR and gnd to 1 ESC. SW to both

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Sorry to butt in, I’m struggling to figure out the d100s. I am not familiar with the GRD/5V/SW port, I’m used to turning on the board with only using a simple anti spark. Can I turn the board on without using the 3 prong JST port and just using anti spark xt90?

Guess you could bypass the switch by joining the SW and GND, then use a separate Anti spark? @YUTW123 could that work?

Technically yes, and it’s as simple as not connecting the switch to the D100s and have auto turnoff set to always on for both sides in vesc tool under app settings. But I would not recommend it. With high voltage batteries the input caps charge up way too quickly with the XT90S’s 5 ohm resistance. It’s bad for the input capacitors to be charged up quickly, this may degrade them over time which means they would provide less filtering, less protection against voltage spikes and the parasitic inductance of the battery leads. This may cause further problems especially if you have long battery leads.

At high voltage the XT90S’s resistor also gets burned sometimes after only a few plug ins. At 80V you are essentially pushing 16A peak through an at most 0.5W resistor, that’s over 1200W in heat generation for a short period of time. In practice what happens is that if you plug in slowly like you should be the resistor has a very high chance of burning out, or if you plug in fast to lower the chance of burning out the resistor, you’ll still have sparks, just not as bad as with a regular XT90, but doing this repeatedly will definitely degrade the input capacitors.

You would need an antispark plug with higher precharge resistor rating, but you won’t find those anywhere in a size that’s usable in esk8.

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See the post I made one reply up. Accidentally clicked on the wrong reply button so replied to the thread not to the correct post, so it didn’t send notifications to you

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Much appreciated for the thorough reply, I’ll install the switch as you suggested, gonna have a spot upstream for a dedicated xt90 too for redundancy.

Another issue I’m having, I have a HMsoft BT module I adapted to fit the d100s I have, it’s being recognized on my phone BT but it isn’t connecting to my Xmatic app like it used to. When I try to configure BT in the vesc program it says I need to upgrade firmware, which I know isnt a good idea

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Pretty sure that’s ancient stuff, fw 3.xx days.

I’d recommend to stay on fw 5.3 that the ESC shipped with, as per the recommendation of Makerx.

Totally good, much appreciated. I figured it out too I think, first time using a dual esc so I kept resetting the UART settings

Is there a way to update the FW on the Bluetooth module? Or maybe a better app to track rides and speed?

What about QS8-S? Do those handle higher voltages better?

Thuan emailed me in September apologizing Xmatic was neglected, and that an update for the latest firmware was coming soon. He did take 4 years to reply to my email though…

I am not entirely familiar with that module, is it a HM10- if it is support for it was discontinued in the fw 4.xx days. The oldest fw you can put on a D100s (unless you make your own) is 5.3 I think.

Nowadays you need an NRF51822 based module