Ive had a good hard look at the stunning and elegant enclosures that are available and Ive decided in my unending foolishness to go ahead and build my own crappy piece of shit…
Yeah it’s a bit hard to live with isn’t it… sturdiest box Ive seen so far though. Interested to hear your thoughts on the bindings once you get them fitted
With a 3mm gasket I will be well clear of the batteries on all sides.
Ordered the 12mm x 3mm CF Reinforcement along with the CF fabric which should be here this week.
I need to beat this some more but the idea is that the CF strip will hang over the lip of the hole and the Balooga and then the CF fabric will be a layer over … or rather under it all… no… over the underside… there is plenty of space left over to add some redundancy provision on the top of the battery for any failure of the deck.
Jigsaw enclosure/case is ready for pickup, Ive no doubt at all Ive cocked something up so will be fun discovering what it was and then rage quitting the whole sub-project.
mounting holes for Maker x DV6, Stormcore and Ubox… next week is looking to be a busy one but if I can get those two projects underway and complete… or even just underway
These are a little longer than will be final and I’m still a little undecided as to where to add them, under the fabric would be the best place but I’m bound to fuck that up, I’ll have a think about that a bit more, maybe some localized CF over them as a layer when the main sheet goes down… sounds like it’s going to be painful and messy.
This fabric is pretty nice, much softer than I though it’d be… There’s enough off cut to do a couple of trial bits so will hopefully it wont be too bad in the end it’d be horrible to fuck it up
So unfortunately, the case wasn’t the spectacular disappointment I was hoping for, with the walls of the enclosure clad with EVA foam, it clicked together quite well… and while there were some errors I’m not proud of like not updating the height of an elevation so it was 2mm short , the elements seem to be there and it seems like there is enough space for everything and without over complicating it I sat down with ACAD again.
I want to get these epoxied in and clamped today, if ican get this balooga component knocked on the head i can move onto the CF and FG for the base of the deck. Undecided if ill do the top yet, will wait to see how badly i do the bottom.
I love magpie songs. They’re pretty awesome birds, you can befriend them pretty easily too. I had a flock of at least 20 at one stage that were all comfortable eating directly from my hand
The hump on the deck will be fully locked in by the end of tonight amd i can start to plan the rest of the deck spoort. For that im now thinking that ill need 3 layers of CF on the bottom.
Im going to need a bit of practice first, my initial practice piece i managed to screw up in almost every conceivable manner…
Planning more of the battery now that the deck itself is coming together, one of the issues I have with this silly thing is the potential pinch point, the narrowest part is the space between the deck, battery and hump and while there is an abundance of room for neoprene isolation, I cant really easily run series connections in that space. There is an abundance of space on the side tho so the thought is to run those connections around the side, there is heaps of room in the middle on the top just not at the sides… I have an idea how to easily make the wires easily turn the corner unstressed.
I really feel like the enclosure is going to have to take a bit of responsibility in sharing the load on this so Im going to run some CF strips around the area of the hump to help the load shift around the suicidal weak point. I might even find larger than this one yet. It’ll be fixed with a flexible adhesive and then epoxied over.
Next is to assemble the jigsaw piece Controller case… version 4, sure, it would have been sooo much cheaper to just get a 3DS one or other refined design but then it wouldn’t be mine when I discussed it with the wife and I explained that proportionally, it’d probably end up being the most expensive item on the board, she laughed and said “that I’d probably really enjoy fucking it all up and it sounded like just the sort of thing you’d do”
Finally got a clear day coming Wednesday, my fabrics arrived and its going to be the right temperature to do the epoxy. Im hoping to unearth my patience before then.