Do you esk8 for a fun hobby or just for clean transportation?

For fun and transportation. I really don’t like being tied to public transport. Also why pay 2.20€ for the bus if you can get there via board, have fun and catch fresh air.

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While I haven’t finishd my first build, I got into it trying to come up with an alternate way to travel that isn’t public transport (getting squished during rush hour and it’s warm outside is hell). Also allows me to not be tied to the public transport schedule. So not really for a cleaner transport but for an enjoyable transport.


I don’t drive, I use my board to get my ass to work everyday. Almost 10 miles a day.


A more serious poll. You can select multiple options.

  • (~1mile) Quick short trips for chores: grocery, PO, haircut…
  • (~1 mile) ride to work everyday
  • (~1 mile) ride a little for fun everyday
  • Long ride for chores
  • Long ride to work
  • Long rides on weekends
  • Group rides

0 voters

you need the option “yes” for those of us who basicly live on their boards - cant select all


Missing the all-important “ride at 1:00 am while the country sleeps” option.


I wish I could stay up that late. Younger me would be ashamed


you are describing my daily commute home ^^

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I wish I could play this off in badass style, but I usually sleep from 9-10 to 1-2 and then get up. Then again 5ish to 8:30. Totally normal behaviour.

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You may be a psychopath. Prob not though :sweat_smile::flushed:

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Both but mainly for fun as a hobby.

Used to commute 10 miles a day to and from work (including lunch break at home) but kinda stopped after consecutive injuries on the way to the office. Plus it’s cold now so no way in hell am I riding at 7:30am without many layers.


I have to get to work somehow. That makes me a brian

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There’s a thread just for that topic.


This… side story, last night at 1am one of my neighbors threatened to call the cops on me for “peeking in mailboxes” when I was just cruising around testing verious settings, like wtf… paranoid much? call the cops.


Must be the Hamilton County suburbs :rofl:


I see you over there connecting the dots… we should skate sometime!

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The Hoff of esk8

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Used to bike a lot.

Needed to be cleaner for work so got an Evolve, did that for a year then got into this hell hole.

Give me more parts plz.


I started my esk8 journey with a BGT, soon grew tired of voltage sag and the remote buffering issues, so sold it and built my DIY MTB with pneumatics, GDs and oversized motors.

Not nearly the quickest DIY around, but still stupid quick and so satisfying to build and then ride, plus the mainstream will take years to catch up by which time it’s better again.


I ride my Ranger X2 a mile (1.6km) to the train station and back every day for work, rain or shine. I also go on 10~20 mile (16~32km) adventures with my roommate when the weather is nice. He is a pleb and rides a 2 stroke bicycle, but we still have fun.