DIY Onewheel Hoverboard

What voltage can the original controller go to? Like can you run a 12s battery on it?

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Onewheel v1/plus = 58.4V max lifepo4 ~ 14S li-ion

Onewheel XR = 63V max li-ion 15S

I guess let me rephrase my question, can the original hoverboard controller handle a 12s battery or more?

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The original hardware takes up to 13S battery. However on the stock firmware the speed is limited by hall sensor readings. So you will not gain on speed.

I am dumb sorry…

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Link for those who don’t feel like searching

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Might be able to gain some efficiency, maybe a bit of range.

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I found an interesting project where they hacked the main hoverboard controller to do other things, I’m looking into it to see if there is a way to increase or disable that feature. Just google hacking hoverboard I can’t seem to post links for whatever reason

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Especially with the often not too good Hoverboard battery cells you can gain a little bit performance on torque I guess. I build 12S with the expectation to go a bit faster and at first didn’t understand why I wasn’t. :upside_down_face:


The original hoverboard hack repository is not really actively maintained anymore I think.

Bipropellant version of the hack is not working as Hoverboard despite them claiming this in GitHub. You will fall over before it starts to balance. It is much too slow. And with no option to flash original firmware back you are the proud owner of a paperweight.

Another promising version is the FOC firmware hack from Emanuel. This is a very active branch of the hoverboard firmware that much, much further than the original hoverboard hack firmware. Not sure how far they are with the balancing part at this point as it is not the main target of the project. You can check in with them if you are into tweaking code.

If your goal is building a board that is driveable without further programming stick with the original firmware.

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Yeah I guess I wanted to unlock the speed potential and potentially adjust PID settings but you are right the original board would be much easier. Has anyone who has ridden the actual onewheel ridden one of these diy ones? I would like to hear how they perform feeling wise.

The original hoverboard firmware is surprisingly smooth. Biggest difference for me is:

  • hoverboard; angle of the board equals your exact speed. If you level your board it will actively brake to 0 speed. If you tilt the board forwards 15 degrees is will accelerate to the speed programmed at that angle. Downside of this is that you constantly need to keep the nose down low for full speed, something you rather not want on a Onewheel. To counter this I calibrated the gyro while the board is leaning backwards. This way you will have cruising speed while the board is level.
  • Onewheel; angle of the board equals amount of throttle given. It will not actively brake when you level the board, you will keep rolling while the controller is stabilizing the board. This gives a more natural feeling to the drive.

You will get used to both after just a few batteries.


ok sweet, well I am really looking forward to making one then!

Welded up a 12s2p for mine last week just need to do the last connections so stocked but lacking time atm.
Going to get 2x cheap foc on the next eu GB bummed that I missed the first GB was a killer price. Should just be to connect the with canbus and activate the tilt feature on the master right?

Correct. Just connect by Canbus and run the ‘balance app’ on Master and select ‘UART only’ on slave.

Bummer you missed out on the Cheap FOCer. However it is still V0.9 and should be considered an expiremental test version. You will probably get a V1 :slight_smile:

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How did you guys know which hoverboard to get? I’m looking for three days now and only found models witch two circuit boards or slow 10km/h ones.

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It’s a bit of a gamble I guess. You can’t see from the outside.

There are some 250Watt versions on 7S battery. Avoid those as the magnets in the motors are often smaller.

The 2x 350Watt with 10S / 36V are the ones you are looking for (charger is 42 V).

Sometimes they mention that it has Taotao electronics which are the original boards.

Worst case scenario when you get a hoverboard with 2 circuitboards is that you have to order the electronics pack which run at about 25$ on eBay.


Thanks a lot. I will continue my search then.

I found a hoverboard for $40 however it has the 8" wheels, Do you think it is still possible to do this with one of those with modifications to the 3d print?

You would have to modify the 3D print to accommodate bigger wheels. Also you would have to find a good tire to fit your modified print. If you want to make life easier I would pass on it and wait for a 6.5" version.