DIY Esk8 remotes with FireFlyOS

That’s why I made this thread - there is no instruction

I’ll get you sorted wait

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Here, download the zip folder and in it, there are two folders:
Receiver and transmitter

Both have a arduino file in them you have to upload on the matching arduino.
You need libraries tho.
Ask me if you have problems with getting the matching libraries

I don’t think iv’ve seen it mentioned but the feather remote was essentially the spiritual succeser to the firefly. Upgrades like the 128*64 screen custom PCB and quite a few others.

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Out of pure ignorance, did the drop-out issues the feather had in big cities ever get resolved? I read some scary stories about people losing connection and put away the kit I ordered after that.

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Why did he use the feather?
This is sooo expensive.
30 bucks a pop?..

130 USD for an unassembled remote without the housing?..

I’ll read more about the feather…
But if that pricing is not able to make more attractive… Maybe make a feather code compatible clone then

Someone allready made that

Actualy there is plenty of information about the remote on .builders

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Turns out it’s a cool version 1.5 or 2 of the FireFly. The changes are kind of small in my opppinion. The pricing just cant be justified in my oppinion. I checked and the code + shell are open source. The PCB seems to be not open source though… Also, do you maybe know of an assembly guide? this remote has even less documentation than the firefly itself… not a single video found…

Gerber files / schematic somewhere?
Documentation for assembly somewhere?
Why dont use the Nano/ESP32 to save 30 dollars and build everything around it and the NRF24L01 (which seems to work flawlessly when done right on the firefly)

Everything already made :frowning:
But maybe we can make it better, cheaper, and easier so setup/build?:smiley:
The github for it is down :frowning:
A ESP32 remote with 128 x 64 OLED would be awesome. I would like to keep it simple though

I bought two of those kits and have an extra PCB and parts I’d be open to see if you’re in need of one.

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They’re not complete kits because the guy who sold them kind of shafted me by not giving me everything I paid for. But I have them none the less.

you mean sell*?

I dont really want to buy this. The pricing for these parts is hilarious… One could do much cheaper.
Ill stay with my firefly and maybe upgrade the screen, everything else i dont want to pay for :smiley:

Thanks anyway bud!

yeah, typo. Sell*

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Fair enough mate, just putting it out there.

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Whats missing in the kit? maybe i could reverse engineer it

I ordered two, so between the two, this stuff.

This is all the stuff I received. I’ll be keeping the only receiver board I got, but I can let components for the other remote go as needed.


So what parts are missing for a single remote and receiver?
Its a bit confusing :confused:

You’ll have to figure that out.