DIY Esk8 remotes with FireFlyOS

Although the bigger screen would be nice, i dont think it will be that much of a difference. I am running a firefly daily and dont experience a need for a bigger screen. The only nice thing worth adding is another button for switching between data that is shown on the display, because it is not handy waiting for the information you need to appear on the screen. Bigger battery would be a nice upgrade too.

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So at the moment it jst cycles through?


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Don’t go with the feather. The feather was abandoned in favor of a Heltec Lora Board.

From the other forum: “Heltec is cheaper and has BT and WiFi, which allows adding OTA updates and some features in the future. You can also use it as a battery meter inside ESC enclosure.”

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Yep I have one of these heltech remotes, the product is mature. There is even someone still doing work of that on one of the forks. Updates to use new vesc Library, Unity Fix ect. Mine uses lora signaling so It is less prone to radio drop out. Only crappy part of all of these remotes is the subpar performance from the hall effect wheel, I am going to replace mine with a milspec sealed Hall thumbwheel. My receiver also controls my break lights.


Would recommend the V1 or the V2 of this board for the build?
Also it seems to not be 920MHz (which is named in the tutorial) but something in the 860MHz range.
Definitely the best all in one solution!
I’ll give it a try 100%
I think I’m going to use it in the trigger remote :slight_smile:

Here a clear list of what I’m looking for :slight_smile: maybe you can help me out:

Trigger style remote (wheel seems to feel cheap)
0.96 OLED 128 x 64 pixels
Should fit the Heltec Lora

Is there are trigger style remote with design for the bigger 0.96 inch display of the Heltec Lora?

Is there a Lora which uses external display?
This would give more play with component placing inside the shell

Ok, I have this remote, then I got an VX1 but since I am in process of making a new board, I might consider using Firefly for that.

First of all, I never understood how you update “firmware” on this thing. Could someone be nice enough to guide me through this?


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I’m afraid I don’t know neither.
My firefly parts are yet to arrive and I only cared about hardware as for now.
Someone with software knowledge for arduino and these remotes would be awesome to have here.

You have this remote with the NRF24L01?
I guess you just download the newest Code on github and upload it to the arduinos

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915mhz is Lora frequency for Australia, where the original designer is from, you may find it might not work in your country the (i.e. US still uses this frequency for cell phones). Buy the model for your country. There are some updated heltechs with newer Lora modules. I recommend these. Up to 15 miles range. Look for boards with sx1262 chipset.

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Where’s Code for them for remotes? :slight_smile:

In my oppinion the Software was better for the Arduino nano normal firefly remote. The firefly nano is awesome when it comes to simplicity and hardware, but the GUI and features are kind of meh. I failed building my Firefly :slight_smile:
I shorted my 3v to 5v boost converter somehow. Though I have to say that my parts wouldn’t had fit in this small enclosure anyway… I don’t know how you are supposed to do this.
Very tidious :frowning:

Can you maybe buy a heltec Lora without the oled, attach a 128 x 32 oled and use SolidGeeks firefly nano software? Is this possible? How much does the code need to be adjusted?

@Niklas theres a huge topic on the remote on the old forum.
And another guy made some tutorial videos on it on youtube

Never finished mine, but im currently thinking about finishing it in the near future.


Oh yeah, hi the youtube guide was mine. The final part for it went up today, so I figured I’d just drop it in here since this looks like this thread is the most thorough documentation of the FF to date. Is anyone still using theirs? I’m really curious since it looks like the VX1 kinda fills the role in the market that in my eyes the FF set out to fill. I’m considering my own slight redesign of the remote, but not really sure how much worth it’ll really be at this point.

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Flipsky is flipsky, for one. Also, the VX1 doesn’t really compare because it doesn’t have telemetry or anything useful on it besides a rough battery meter.

I think it would still be worth it, I have mine laying around still unfinished, I was following your videos originally

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Honestly, I’ve realized a rough battery meter is all I really needed out of my remote. Speed and trip odometer is cool on the current iteration, but more often than not, I just want a quick glance at my board percentage. I was using Deakbannok’s branch for the longest time while at school so I wouldn’t have to wait for it to cycle back around haha. Was thinking of forking that code to add lighting control setting and maybe try to implement a lifetime odometer/data logger. Either that or I’m considering switching away from the Nano platform entirely. The Adafruit Feather NRF52 Sense has me thinking about reactive lighting on the board and easy NFC paring possibilities :eyes:


You here @SeeTheBridges?
I should hate you for making it look so easy to assemble the remote, haha :slight_smile:
Failed so hard…

Totally agree here!
We all can agree that you don’t “need” to see your estimated left range or speed on the remote, but it’s very nice to have and there are people that are into these kind of things!

I am working on a new remote based on the Firefly Nano with a 128x128 RGB OLED display

Yup! Didn’t know about this forum till like 2 weeks ago. And yeeeaaahhhhh, looking back, I tried to make a beginner’s tutorial for a project that Is almost explicitly NOT a beginner project. It’s part of the reason Part 5 was sidelined for so long. I have an entire portion of the script I cut that was JUST dedicated to troubleshooting ALL of the issues I ran in to making these things. Considering a part 6 for a little later this year since I’m also working on a new Build that’s gonna need a remote :eyes:

RGB OLED sounds dope! Could change the whole UI to a slow color changing gradient from Green to red to show battery charge level. Huge and easy to see!