DieBieMS v0.9 Batch 4

With all the work @ENNOID put into modernizing and refining the design I doubt many people will be interested.


And the fact that @JTAG is working on charge only diebie version…

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Thanks for that, I forwarded the info to him.
It is for an eFoil.

Yes there is a newer version in the works :innocent:. Will be more modular as well.


When do you think you will have it reday ?

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Where can I find a link to the binary I should flash for a v0.9 board?

In the resource folder of the latest BMS tool github.

@JTAG prob the wrong place to bring this up what the hell.

I have a feature request. I got tossed of my board on my way to work today cause the BMS threw an error. I havn’t been able to replicate the error yet and everything seem fine for now. Would be great if there was error log that stored the errors or even better; printed an error code on the small display.

Would make life easier while I lick my wounds.

Not doubting your story as I respect you and your knowledge of electronics, but how do you know the bms threw an error if there was no log of it?

Did it just display error on the screen?

I would be pissed if i just ate pavement and looked at my bms saying ‘error’. I’d be like, yeah, no shit fuck face!

Thats exactly what happened xD

Just made a big cross on that screen and said error and shut off.
I managed to run it out a total of 4 steps, then I ate the pavement. (had my ruroc atlas on)
Some fleshwounds but nothing serious, I havn’t been in a situation where the BMS tosses an error if the VESCs does yet. So my guess is the vescs are fine.

Worth noting is i just swapped out an old battery, so it was like the 3d ride of the new setup, so something could be wonky.

Cell readings looks good tho and it has all voltages in the balance lead etc.

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I have seen that big x before. It was intermittent and I also couldn’t replicate it. I tore the board down and sold it for parts. Luckily, it never threw me.

This is why i just can’t trust discharge bms. Too many meetings with the pavement due to unexplained errors.

I wont lie, diebiems is horrible to setup and to get it working properly, plus you’ll run into problems while doing it. But when it works, its really great.

I have another one in my carver, has served me very well for a few years now.

I might eventually move over to the vescproject BMS over reinvesting in diebiemses.

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I’ve got high hopes on the FreeSK8 bms. Like, super high hopes.

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I just completed another build using a v0.9 DieBieMS this week. It was hard to remember how to do it, but more importantly it is tricky because so many things can go wrong. I’ll list here all the issues I had:

  1. I first went the route of making all the custom connectors and wiring everything up to just hope it would work. While it powered up and such, communications were not working as expected via CANbus.
  2. While troubleshooting 1 above, I made the mistake of trying to connect to it via USB without having the battery connected to it. Killed a resistor I’m sure.
  3. Bought a v0.8 off someone and installed it instead. Started by connecting just to the board with the battery connected and installing the correct firmware. This required downloading .30 firmware from GitHub as the installed firmware on the .8 was 3.38, so the DieBieMS Tool I had already (.27) would not downgrade the firmware.
  4. I proceeded to troubleshoot all the connectors. Some of the CANbus connectors needed to have their H and L reversed to function properly, and I worked out from the DieBieMS one wire at a time until all comms worked. I celebrated once I was able to connect to Metr CAN and see all info from VESCs, DieBieMS, and DavegaX. This was premature as the next thing I know I was no longer able to power on the DieBieMS. I would only get the X screen on the display.
  5. Troubleshooting, it turned out I had 1 balance connector which was miscrimped and lost connectivity. I proceeded to re-crimp this connector and voila, all working again!

I agree that this device takes up alot of real estate inside the enclosure, and it behooves the user to cover it up with heatshrink to protect the connections, as well as to hotglue all the wires at the connectors in order to prevent them from coming out, or breaking from strain. I attached the heatsink and I used battery heatshrink and cut out all the connector holes, along with the back of the heatsink so that it could breathe. After screwing on the terminals, I covered them with Kapton tape.

I still think its worth it if you can fit it in. Having all the functionality combined on this one item is big for me, and I think the more information you have the better, plus I enjoy using the anti-spark power on/off of the DieBieMS, not to mention PTS.

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If anyone wants one! I have one brand new lol not looking to use it so will let go fairly cheap

I need a BMS, but not familiar with the DieBie at all (first board).

This is not a BMS I would recommend as an entry to the hobby.

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Too late, already bought one. Doesn’t seem that hard to set up.

Oh boy are you in for a treat.


We’ll see. I just got done rewiring an entire boat today, so I don’t think a BMS is going to kill me.

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