DieBieMS Manual

Awesome link!!
Thank you @linsus @Pimousse :hugs:

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yay i have another one for you all.
how do i wire this so the led turns on when i push the momentary switch?

@linsus sorry to tag you again lol

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ah damn now i owe you two beers xD

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Just saying. I had an extra switch around. You should’ve just asked so I could ship it with the display :man_shrugging:

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no worries, i have a specific switch i want to use for aesthetic reasons :wink:
the one in the photo actually

I’m not sure what the “LED Smart” pin does, but wiring the push button led+ to 3V should be enough, since 3V will wake up when you push it.

Is the led smart pin a battery indicator light thing?

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nope, it just a led ring that light up. you can wire it so the led always stays on or only turns on when you push the button

LED You want

  • led smart (+)
  • ground (-)

Momentary button

  • Push button
  • Ground
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Yeah, sounds familiar.

@PixelatedPolyeurthan that picture does nothing but confuse me but if I would guess:

In my connection the NO pin is logic low. Blue line(gnd) is connected to both “1” and the “NO” pin thats not drawn on.

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Ignore both of them wireing guides the DieBieMS dose clever things with the smart led to blink the led to give you more information. Don’t link any thing just take 4 cables from the DieBieMS to the switch. You just need to identify LED+, LED-, Com, N/O needs to be a momentary switch I’m guessing that it’s not looking at the wireing guide. there is a setting in the DieBieMS for useing a latching switch

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Anyone know with the display which apears to be a 4pin - the only 4 pin in my diebie box is a canbus… or are we supposed to use one of the 5 pin and leave 1 unplugged?

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I vaguely remember that i had to just solder the wires for the screen…

Yeah, hmmm my kit seems maybe to be missing a tiny 4pin then Since even in the photos, it apears to be a 4pin not a 5pin with 4 used.

Do you happen to have a photo of your Balence connection (I noticed there is a C0+ and a C0-)

for a 10s ive got 11 wires… I do get the idea in general that 10 wires are postive 1 is neg.

though im getting the impression i Need to potentially mix it up… or C0- is my black.neg. and C0+ is group 1 C01 is group 2 etc,

No i don’t sorry. But i typically connect my bms wires to every negative of the pack and then the pack positive as well.

Yes your right the later versions were like this

I seem to rember all the ports on the DieBieMS been 5 pin

Screen 4 pin as you don’t need the reset

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Yes - but it seems i’d have to do it extra on the balence wires. maybe im overthinking it :smiley:

I really advise you open the manual at the top of this topi and read it or look at the pic atleast

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Are there any good posts or resources regarding setting up the CAN bus connection? I have spent longer than I would like to admit trying to get my DieBieMS set up with two FOCBOXes. The two FOCBOXes see each other without issues while connected through the DieBieMS (can adjust parameters via CAN forwarding), but I am not able to see the BMS itself.

Do I need to change anything beyond the defaults? The fact that my VESCs can see each other tells me that this is not a wiring issue. I am running with FW5.1 on the FOCBOXes. Thanks for any tips you can offer!


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I’m confused to what your trying to set up it’s eaithere there or it’s not. Can we see your wireing?

You don’t use the VESC tool to configure the DieBieMS.