DemonGeese | Semendeed | 21s4p | 2x D100s | 4wd

It’s gonna look like you’re going backwards :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s been a real hot minute and a lot of racing has gone down with some real ups and downs. From crashing in all my Esk8Con heats and ERL Phoenix this weekend.

I had some ideas for improvements I could make but sadly after this weekend the board likely has to be retired. The deck started delaminating on me, don’t really know what triggered it. I’ve certainly crashed a few times and particularly yesterday when racing. But after lunch is when I noticed the deck was flexing way too much.

This happened to me just before my heat and so I couldn’t place well to make the finals. We grabbed some gorilla foam glue, a few clamps, and some bolts and washers for a temporary fix. And it thankfully held together well enough to get me to my first pro finals.

So, at the very least I got the SemenDeed to a podium.


Congrats mate! Awesome effort. Sucks about the board.


We talked about portion control my dude…

So, as I mentioned SemenDeed will be retiring and this is a sneak peek into the future.

Using the Magnetic platform thanks to @Skyart and thanks to @poastoast for getting the transplant started. I’ll try to taker across the finish line.

I’ll probably start a new build thread at some point, but things are looking good I feel at home on the board already. But of course T Race will be the true measure.

Mama packed her boi a raceables lol (credit @BillGordon).


tupperware slaps hard


i am dam proud of that there deck hole


You did it proud! It had a good life and i’m super stoked it ended up getting used for it’s true intention.

Keen to hear how the magnetic compares!


Ooooiiii! That is perhaps the cleanest deck hole i have ever seen :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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It was. Until Bill had his way with it.

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The man has a clean hole that’s for sure

wha. can’t boardslide. might as well use a fancy under enclosure you don’t want to scratch. pfff.

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