DemonGeese | Semendeed | 21s4p | 2x D100s | 4wd

Alright visited the candy shop and spent the day with @poastoast mainly. Things in the order that we tried.

Showed Poast my issues and we tried throwing his Maytech motors, 170kv. Interestingly no fault on the bench. Wow interesting and quick. Made me thought of @sugandese bet about high Kv.

So then we thought ok maybe it’s Kv let’s drop to reacher 190 Kv, nope faulted. Drop to reacher 175 Kv, nope also faulted maybe not as much I don’t quite remember. So, these controllers really don’t like the reachers I guess which wasn’t really a good sign.

Poast recently discovered the BLDC wizard and suggested we try that, maybe simpler == better? At reacher 175 Kv no Bldc tuning of any sorts, NO FAULTS!? Interesting ok ok. Let’s drop ramp time back down to 0.2 to make it spicy, still no fault.

Alright things are looking good. Now time to jump back to reacher 205 Kv on Bldc, no faults!


Wow things are looking good. Not a lot of daylight left so went for some test runs real quick. Got some cogging right off the bat. We did notice some value truncation in the hall table so I’ll have to redo those detections maybe. Also, to me currently BLDC feels mushier than FOC on start and braking but maybe I’m imagining things. Will need to test more.

Also, did a tiny bit of tuning using @Tony_Stark suggestions

So, thoughts on the issue idk maybe some weird mcu chips or something? ESC can’t handle the FOC computations when combined with reachers :man_shrugging:.

Anyways stay tuned for some hard pushing to see where we at. And who knows maybe I’ll even drop it down to 0 ramp time :grimacing::fire::zap: