Yes interestingly I tried out FOC for the first time on a Radium board yesterday and was very disappointed in the performance. It felt very underwhelming and “mushy” compared to the instant neck snapping torque and 2 stroke powerband I’m used to with BLDC.
I’d love to know if anyone has tips to improve acceleration with FOC mode. Other than the obvious “reduce ramping time” which I always run at 0.0
For BLDC optimisation, I suggest to try the following changes:
In general > advanced tab at the bottom you can increase hall sensor extra samples to 5 (this option is removed on most recent firmware)
Under BLDC > advanced tab increase minimum switching frequency to 5khz for smoother feeling startup
In BLDC > general you will notice a big difference from increasing startup boost. I’m only running 0.02 but you can go higher like 0.05 at your own risk.
I believe there are other parameters to get further performance from it but I’d like to build a dyno and have a spare controller on hand before toying with those.