Deck Extension?

Maybe so… but hell get some good use out of it…

Just dont abuse the shit out of it, or at the very least, always be ready for that shit to fail mid 30mph ride.

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I’m thinking I will just do the sandwich, no routing.

Once the sandwiches are epoxied and finished, i will add heavy glass cloth to top and bottom of the board.

Also, I’ve decided to add my thick plate to the bottom, as I think it will be much stronger and look better too.

Made a chop to the good end of the board, now I can make a template from this to create plates for both ends :ok_hand:


Smooshy sandwich time :ok_hand:



Rubber angled riser sliced diagonally, one piece rotated and epoxied back together for a steeper angle. Carbon skinned / wrapped so is really strong, but not too soft anymore.


I love it when the plan works :ok_hand: now to fill.


By looking at your the new holes (yellow) you want to drill in i think thats a pretty dangerous idea. Just my 2 cents, but i would stay away from this fancy idea. Maybe it works, but maybe not, and you will find out with a faceplant when its to late.
edit…sory bro i saw you took some metal parts for stabilizing- that could work…is it metal? hahahha pretty confused now.

I’m gonna try use the original holes to start with, but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get wheelbite.

Once this puppy is finished its not gonna matter where I put the holes, it will be bulletproof :ok_hand:

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Its fibreglass dude. 5mm thick on the bottom, 1.5mm on the top.


kk…looks pretty awesome so far. I wish you luck with this project.
But I am so SCARED hahahaha


I recommend JB Weld 8265-S for a lot of things, but I wouldn’t use it for this

Some sort of fiberglass or carbon fiber epoxy would probably fare much better


I have had success.

Still got a tiny bit of one drop through left to fill, and unfortunately filled 3 of the bolt holes at one end, but that can be rectified.

I will mount the haggys and bergs on here with the original bolt holes and take it for a spin. If I don’t get any wheel bite then that’s how it will stay, otherwise I am now confident I can extend the wheelbase safely.

Still needs a layer of glass top and bottom, but I am really happy with how this has come up :ok_hand:

Thanks for all your advice dudes!


Beautiful work man! :ok_hand:t2:


Stellar work mate. I have a cracked drop deck this trick might work on.


(Ignore the tape, Phillips, sharp edges, easily cleaned marker and gunk, easy fixed minor delam from running it into a wall just to show off. )

Do it, engineers can lecture me (us) about vibration failure later.

This is robs board. We needed to do an extension after the switch to rkp from dkp (1 yr ago).

Only broke once, after he hit a possum at mid 40s.

It’s thin too.

Aft of Wera should have been cut. should have

That’s carbon fiber and the second sheet is aramide/carbon something sheet.

It looks stupid, but it rolls every day faster than I do.


Damn that is super thin! If that is keeping Rob going then I think my solution will be fucking bulletproof :joy:


Bro you’re like some kind of maplewisperer I struggle with the wood work side of things.

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I’ve been a carpenter for nearly 15 years, gotta count for something :joy:

Fuck… its over 15 years now. Time flies when you’re having fun I guess.