DAVEGA X feature requests

Alright, thanks for the input. :slight_smile:

Good idea, but I hate riding with something in my ears. oh well, back to making shorts stops to check if I’m still on the right track. :smiley:

Would be great to have the function to switch to Bluetooth module only and be able to to program with vesctool on my PC or phone without having to buy other bt modules and uart splitters when we run out of ports. I don’t want to make changes within davega but use it’s Bluetooth function to connect.

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inclination? (Could have a sensor on the rear truck mount in later revision)

Maybe this belongs in highideas


If you could factor in deck angles this is cool

Couldn’t the imu tell you this?


Great idea
I love METR and DAVEGA X, but like any device both had their pros and cons, now together you gentlemen can create the perfect telemetry module

I’m excited :heart_eyes: