Cutting a keyway into a motor shaft


Keyway? You mean Loctite 6xx :sweat_smile:


Will be using that as well :joy:

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Be advised that the shaft is case-hardened steel. This will complicate your efforts unless it’s a flat spot you’re going for.


Definitely not one to shy away from a challenge… and i got the motors cheap so :man_shrugging:

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These dutch pins involve milling into the shaft, and it’s really hard, but doable. Go really, really slow.

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Ahh nice. I remember seeing that. Excellent work dude :call_me_hand:

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I have indeed done this and it was a bitch. Tungsten carbide dremel milling bit and open ended slot. Anything else by hand ends in tears. I could not for the life of me put a decent cavity mid shaft.


Loctite pulley retainer. Don’t even need a grub screw.

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Might as well use JB Weld at that point LoLz


He does have a point. Epoxy is not a retaining compound. Its not the best for teeny gaps. Loctite (green) or permatex ftw

My gear drives are still running one keyway because as i said. Bitch. One side is pure permatex.
Has to be retaining compound not thread lock.

@Jebe. You and i both know i am at least 30


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So should I just forget about the keyway and slather it in 638?


Man avio gears have a keyed pinion. I used sk3 (shocker). Round shafts no key. One side is just 680. The other has my hacked keyway. Still solid after lots of ks

Clean with a clear spirit. I used contact cleaner but rubbing alcohol or isopropyl will do. Smear the shaft and drop a touch inside the pinion/pulley and leave for at least 24. That’s important 24

Edit. Thats the stuff just a different temp rating


Righto sweet. Also got sk3s for 12/33 belt drive. Will try just the loctite to start with and if it fails i will reassess.

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Let me say like this. In the last 4 month of 2019 I lost 2 motor gears due to loctite 648 not holding strong enough. Unfortunately I do not have space for set screw or key way. But I would always consider one of both options if you can.


Pretty sure the pinions have a grub screw, it’s the dicky ho 12t

Andy is going full torque. My set ups are not as low.
Emtb is always going to be the real test.

If you have a grub then flat the shaft. Thats piss easy. The above was not


Nah, you just drive like a pussy :man_shrugging:
:joy: but seriously, I think with a belt drive loctite only could work pretty good. If it’s a belt drive without idler than it will work for sure as the belt rather will slip than rip of the pinion.


It’ll have an idler. But 12/33 isn’t massive torque.

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I ride like the silver surfer. Like a GOD

Seriously though your set ups will always put more stress on the drive gearing regardless of gears or belts. Mine are pretty high compared and its only my gear drive that’s full loctite.
That set is 3.75.1

Thats my lowest. I like speed. See first line