Community Board Project X

Here is some footage of the a hybrid version of the Titan ProjectX with RKP truck on the rear and TKP on the front.

So how does it ride? After the adjustments of the track with axle spacers to get the same width front and rear, everything was pretty straight forward. It was exactly like expected somewhere between of the ride with RKP and DKP trucks. You get more stability at higher speed compared to the RKP/DKP hybride, but less turnability. The turning radius with RKP/RKP is about 4m, RKP/TKP 2m and RKP/DKP about 1m. Everything tested with 45° BPs. RKP/RKP with 50-52° front BP lowers the turning radius by approx. 1m.

In general I think the RKP/TKP combination would appeal to more riders than the RKP/DKP combo. But since I really enjoy DKP trucks I think I still prefer the RKP/DKP version. My average carving/cruising speed was about 30km/h in RKP/DKP and about 40km/h in the RKP/TKP configuration. With RKP/RKP it tends to be north of 45km/h because I feel the need of a certain speed to get a nible and agil rider feeling. This feeling you get quicker and at lower speeds with a board that has looser truck setup or in general a shorter deck/WB. Since the Titan decks are quite long, they benefit a lot from turny trucks, higher BP angles or a loose fit. However, if you want to reach the top speed of the Titan boards which is ATM more than 80km/h or even north of 100km/h with larger motor pullies, you might still keep it on a RKP/RKP setup.

I also tested a TKP/DKP AT/ST setup on the Sportster F1, which you can read soon in the following Thread: Meet the Sportster F1 - Titan | Psychotiller | Bustin | eBoosted | Molicel | Venom | Moon | FS | Bestech | Metr | Riptide