Combating foot fatigue

I’m going to look into this…

I’ve added my Scholl’s padding back in my skate shoes and the ride 10 miles today wasnt too bad with carving and trying to keep wiggling my feet in my bindings at stop lights and one stop halfway through. It’s worst when stopped but still on the board. I want to try padding under the grip tape. I really want to try those green pad things. I want to try compression socks now… riding more, carving more, a combination of all the suggestions so far… My goal is to be able to ride 15 miles non-stop with no fatigue by the end… probably an unobtainable goal but hey.


To all those riding with Chuck Taylor’s. :fist_right:t2: BRO :fist_left:t2:

To combating foot fatigue, get your carve on. :skateboard:


I third or fourth the concept of carving to alleviate foot fatigue. Never strapped in mind you, but carving allows the weight and forces to move on your foot as their actively involved with the process. Same thing snowboarding. On the flats when you find yourself on one edge for a long while, fatigue sets in, once carving, the pain disappears.


Jepp, these shoes are super comfortable.
I dont like globe in general but them shoes are awesome.

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Most of it definitely just comes down to endurance. The more often you ride the longer you’ll be able to ride.

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These are the best !! Used to get foot cramps no matter what until I got these. :100: gone. Comfy as hell.

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:100: brother. Best part is they also look good :rofl:
Totally worth the monies.

Oh crap. Did I mention they offer high grip too

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My go to daily shoe. I preordered them on a whim, legit the best $100 I’ve spend. Agreed they look clean.

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I started riding again after a long time when I finished my Flux. Foot fatigue hit me in the first kms (the weight gain isn’t helping I think) and for some reason it is better going uphill than on flat ground.

It is getting better the more I ride tho.

How about you guys who ride a lot, everyday or almost, how many km/mi can you ride before it starts being an issue?

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Without frequent riding, my back foot hurts after a couple km. Riding multiple times per day, every day, I get to the point where I can basically ride the entire charge without stopping, even if that’s 65km, without much foot fatigue.


Like if you stop riding everyday from 1 or 2 weeks?

Then it’s back to 1km before foot hurts.


Damn thanks I should ride more.

Also, anyone knows I’d some kind of foot strengthening exercise exist and can be done? I wondering if athletic people are less prone to this than someone like me.

My battery is tiny, and my feet outlast it. Ill let ya know after this new board is done. When i first started riding, id get about 6 miles, call it 10km, and my feet would be on fire. Foam grip helps, shock pads or rubber risers also help, and better, bigger, softer wheels help a lot. Currently rocking 125mm airless’s and i can run over 2x4s and barely feel them.


i have to take a brake at around 25 miles (40 km) sometimes but usually i can ride about 47 miles (75 km) straight. i can go longer if i wear these running shoes i got that feel like clouds but then i can’t feel the ground.

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Riding electric longboards seems to work really well for this purpose.


Yeah but if the built up strength wear off after only a couple weeks without exercise, there is something wrong there I think.


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Yes, the thing wrong is that you stopped riding :rofl:


Just strap your vibrator to a piece of plywood and keep your feet on it when youre sitting around. Same principle.