Cheap FOCer 2 (Open-source, Low-cost, VESC 6 based ESC) (v0.9 Release. Beta testing ongoing)

60 motor Amps+50 battery Amps. Mounted to a 3mm vapor chamber. Didn’t have any issues.

I’ve had some friends who where able to kill the cheap Focer’s by braking downhill with a discharge bms, which I’ve had happen to my old 1.2 controllers with no issues.

I wonder if the newer design is less tolerant of these issues or if simply the DRV’s weren’t of the highest quality and couldn’t handle the fault, as these where DRV’s with the faulty batch number that tested good.

Gotta throw some new DRV’s on there and do some more testing.

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I never tested again with the other sandwiches at 70A since my preferred setup worked out for me in the end.

At first I though this “EMC/EMI” was a bigger issue than it actually was.

Reason is… At the first drv issue at 75A, I changed to 60A but forgot to restart the focer. This led to other faults since the DRV was still messed up from the earlier fault. I therefore made the false assumption that 60A was too high as well and only 50A would work.

Seems like reducing max motor with 5A was all I had to do. :ok_hand:t2:

Btw. Two focers side by side didn’t work at 75A either for me. Only when running as singles.

Good point… my focer DRVs are from the bad batch. I have abused the crap out of them with lots of DRV faults. They have not broken yet :partying_face:

Its Importaint to restart the focer once there is a drv fault and not keep on driving. I have set a fault time of 5s to keep me from doing this. (But from now I dont expect that to happen anymore :slightly_smiling_face:)

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Can you tell me more about this? I’m not familiar with that parameter. Does it disable the FOCer after the timeout time so that you have to restart it?


There’s like a fault stop time in the Vesc tool. I’m guessing giving the DRV some extra time before trying to reboot is a little easier on the electronics

I’ve mostly seen people decrease it for less of a hiccup when experiencing a fault but never increase it to something like 5 seconds.

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It was discussed earlier somewhere in the thread that if you pull too high motor current, or there are fast shifts in current direction, the DRV can reset its internal registers.

In simple terms… it will drive the FETs with the wrong settings, which seems quite harmful for the DRV.

Whenever the DRV fault code shows the info in bold below, there has been a register reset and the focer needs to be restarted. It will then restore these registers with proper values.

These register values are HW dependent and I think @shaman will change the v1.0 HW in such way that the default register values can be used.

Then if this DRV fault occcur, it would be possible to continue operation without restarting.

Setting a longer fault stop time will make me aware that I need to stop and restart.

I chose 5s since I could get into a stop using my disc brakes within that time. Hopefully faster :crazy_face:. The focer will resume operation after the fault stop time has passed automatically but It has to be restarted.

If I have too short fault fault stop time, I might accidentally do throttle or brake and the focer could blow the DRV.


whoa. does all fw/hw supposed to give these details ona DRV fault? i got one on a fw3.65 focbox 1.7 and I didn’t get these details?

or is that somehow specific to the cheap focer hw?

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This diagnostics is only supported by the DRV8301 (all vesc6 based escs). Focbox uses DRV8302.

But in this special case this data is just wrong. The DRV spews out every faults there is because it lost its mind.

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So i flashed a focer with the bootloader and the firmware via st-link and downloaded the vesc tool.
It connects but in the vesc tool i don’t see the balance app. I do see the IMU app which is working fine.
Anybody got an idea what i did wrong? Or where can i get the balance app back?


I don’t recall a balance app in the vesc_tool. I’ve used the IMU app to look at real-time IMU data to verify the IMU was installed properly. What’s the balance app, and how do you normally activate it?

OK - I just poked around a bit. In my VESC_Tool 1.25 I have the balance app under Apps. In VESC_Tool 0.95 and 2.06 I don’t show that app. Maybe it’s a configuration thing?. I believe “Fungineers” is on this forum. He developed his own Onewheel around the CFOC2. He should know everything. I just pinged him via PM. Hopefully he’ll show up and save the day.

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So I wondered if maybe the UI somehow looked at the source code to configure itself. I looked at the firmware source code for 5.01 and found it does show the balance app. So not sure why the VESC_Tool 2.06 wouldn’t have the page to configure it.

Cheap-FOCer-2-master\firmware\Source Code\bldc-master 5.01\bldc-master\applications\app_balance.c

I think I might have discovered the secret. If you go into “App Settings/General” and select “Balance” in the “App to use” drop-down, then the Balance GUI page appears. I hope that’s what you’re looking for.

Here’s some good info…


Yes i also just found it out. Thanks a million!
I need it for my onewheel build :blush:


Hi guys, may i ask for some help ?

I have some focers from @doomy 's group buy and above 20v there is 90% chance when i pull the throttle that the DRV will throw this fault:

Motor : 1
Current : 0.2
Current filtered : -0.0
Voltage : 27.71
Duty : 0.007
RPM : 0.3
Tacho : 67067
Cycles running : 2
TIM duty : 375
TIM val samp : 187
TIM current samp : 26193
TIM top : 52012
Comm step : 3
Temperature : 29.80

Under 20v it’s working but at higher voltage the red light is blinking and it’s throwing FETLC_OC fault:

I’ve found two links with some things that could help you:



Did you reflash the bootloader in vesc tool?

Hi Doomy,

No, just did motor detection and pulled the throttle. With lower voltage the motor always spins up, but no so with voltages over 20v.

@Fixvid have you tried a power source besides that power supply? There have been a few times were the root cause of the issues was a faulty/weak power supply or battery


If your focer is from the group buy batch 1 you must reflash the bootloader and then the firmware for it to work. You can easily check if its the wrong firmware when the voltage reading in vesc tool is incorrect.

Yes, i tried a 36v battery when i discovered this fault, then i started tinkering with the power supply voltage to see where it starts to behave badly.