Carvons v4 need help fixing

K @lazopm was correct th noise is the stator wriggling fixed on one side
Sadly the other side has a strippped bolt I gotta remove before I can tighten and loctite those screws

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Is the head stripped? This helps

If the threads are stripped, that’s a Different Thing :tm:


No head stripped

Bought one of those and it didn’t work
The bits didn’t catch well enough so it just made an even bigger hole

Fuck those stock phillips-head screws… Hex-head FTW


it was a hex head

but i lost my allen key box and hex head vs electric screwdriver

electric screwdriver wins

IMHO you should never do this. Ever.


I know I know
I always do it and kill myself after

I thought maybe to get this bolt out I can jb weld a Allen key into it and then once I hardens turn like thta
Will it work?

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I tried that and it didn’t work

I used this


Yeah thnaks
Bought a set but the teeth didn’t go deep enough will look for a different one