Carvons v4 need help fixing

Anyone know how to get the stator off the truck

If I can get it off it would be really useful
Also is there a way to do this while still keeping hall sensors?



You gonna explain the setup to me or am I gonna have to cry myself to sleep

it’s fucking huge ass gear puller… you ain’t getting the motor off the axle without it… you’ll destroy the motor beating on it with a hammer…


How did you hold the truck like that and where on the truck do you pull

Did you pull of that black thing at the back?
Also what screws need to be removed

@Halbj613 if you wanna cut your losses, I would take these for $100 as-is to give a go at rewinding both sides, thought ide throw that out there


As in you would pay me 100$ for them or you would charge 100$ to rewind?

pay you $100 for them


you’re in way over your pay grade kiddo… I’d take @Scepterr’s offer…


No sorry

If I were to sell I would want maybe like £150 to cut my losses

Otherwise may as well give a go at rewinding worst case ruin some motors

I know these are real noob questions @kook but everyone has to start somewhere

Thanks if you can help

My guess from your crappy non-video video is that the noise is these screws holding the base on are broken/loose

You’re going to require a gear puller to get the motor off the axle and a press to get it back on…

And then there is your fukked up motor detection to work through… Son… You’re in way above your pay grade


Why is that

Also might look into getting someone to do them for me
The detection is probably just an issue with the windings being aweful
The screws are reasonably easy to replace

Might be bale to borrow a big gear puller from someone I will see

Also @kook you know what this screw is for?



Be careful kiddo and try and learn! But before you take a gear puller to the motor look very carefully at the base of the motor at the hanger intersection… Look for a very difficult to see screw right here…

Take this out before you try and remove the motor.

And yeah replacing the screws is easy-peasy they’re phillips and they’re made of chesse… They strip easy…and one or more may be broken off in the motor…


Ever removed a locktited broken screw from a motor?


Removed some Loctite screws before

Involves Loctite bolt into them then turn the bolt and chuck both

I have already removed those bolts you just showed

Once I remove those then should I just yank real hard with a Gear puller?

those two black screws hold the motor to the hanger… take those out… the one by the phase wires affixes the axle… don’t take it out


sorry I only speak english

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Sorry messed up with autocorrect

Corrected it

NO slowly easily crank on the the gear-puller screw… after the motor breaks free of the hanger simply slide the motor off the axle


Gotta find a Gera puller

I’m guessing that I should pull form behind the black parts which attach it to the hangar?

Thanks a lot
Help has been amazing

Hopefully when rewinding I can lower kv to like 90

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