carbon and wood deck 40” $125 in USA

you are a customer sevice GOD! im so impressed, fuck id buy sand from you in a desert .

can i have more free insults? please? im fascinatedby this buisness model, im wanting to see how it plays out
selling stuff is your job, buying stuff is not my job, my comment was about attention to detail in your JOB. your job seems to be being a dick to customers, you are doing a good job. however, if your job was selling decks, then you suck. a simple message would have had me drive 10 miles to pick the deck up.but you couldnt be bothered you cancelled the sale witht the same effort you could have made the sale and future ones as well. i think,but i dont know i dont sell stuff for a living , but i think being nice and prioratizing selling ove being a dick would help. good luck

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I’m being annoying because ur being annoying.

I’m pretty certain his job isn’t selling stuff. He just does this on the side because he wants to. I’d bet my whole next paycheck that Hummie doesn’t make a living in the esk8 game. He does it for love, like most of us do.


in any case why escalate it, i had nothing good to say, so i said good luck with the sale

doesnt matter, im done with the topic, everyone have a great day, im going riding


What the fuck is happening :joy:

“Why did you refund me?”
“You didn’t pay for shipping”
“But it’s your job to sell stuff?”


I just now remember the two sets of wheels that went back to you @hummieee im so sorry for the inconvenience. I might snag a deck though, shipping is so expensive to the nls.


Caught me in a bad mood. Please excuse me. I’m being obnoxious.


@hummieee is there a chance to get the deck with not such a long routed section? Alternatively, can I still get it with the enclosure?

All the decks have the same cut out. I have only one enclosure left. 30$ for the enclosure with all the hardware except wood inserts. PayPal

You have pics of the enclosure? How is the flex of the deck, im about 110 kg, but have no idea hos stiff it is. I need something stiff cause im running ABC11 107mm…

So you have no decks left di d I understand it right?



It’s fairly stiff. Has just a tad of flex - I’m about 75kg.

He has plenty of decks but only one enclosure


any pics of the decks I can see to understand the geometry and the drop, with the battery enclosure?

Yes plenty.
Search Hummie deck if they aren’t in this thread. Which they should be

Look here


My SR-71 Bluebird build thread has a good amount of pictures in it

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Thanks for that @ShutterShock . Kudos.

@ShutterShock got the xxxxxxx. Or wait I have one more enclosure

Have a bunch more decks. Some decks with layers of wood where the tint wasn’t fully done and lighter I’ll sell for 120$ w shipping. I have so many of those grey centrax wheels too. 60$ w shipping.


with shipping cost included. anywhere in usa. stained wood and carbon

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125$ shipped anywhere in usa. Sale.
I have some blem decks without the full stain for 115$
