Can't modify app settings over bluetooth... any suggestions?

You are my ice cream angel

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One definite upside to Android is being able to install older apps via apk. No way to do that on iPhone (without jailbreaking, and even then I don’t know). It’s all a major pain in the dick


Just fit a USB socket and be done with it. Bluetooth shit the bed soon as 6 came out.

Lol the build is finished. I will do everything in my power to not open that motherfucker back up.

Hopefully the apks provided by the masturbating ice cream bandit will be my silver bullet.

Haha it’s the best thing I did. All the vesc gremlins I’ve had the laptop has always been the fix.

I couldn’t get the old version apk’s to work either

The apk worked… hopefully it does what I need it to. Sleep time now, will tinker tomorrow


This one worked for unity.

3.01/5.3 still wouldn’t let me save app settings.

For anyone playing at home:

Rolling back to 5.2 fw and vesc tool 3.0 fixed everything.

Didn’t have to open the board, and got everything dialled in nicely over bluetooth.

Davega still doesn’t work but that’s pretty typical for me.




What’s the Davega doing?

Absolutely nothing. Doesnt power on.

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Well then. Shit.