So I’ve scoured the internet for 2 days for an answer with no luck. I cant auto connect to the vesc tool. I’ve tried different computers and cables. I read it could be something to do with COM ports, none of my computers have any COM ports (this appears to be a windows 10 thing) so I’ve installed various software that adds virtual COM ports again with no luck.
I have a brand new stormcore and the switch is glowing green. the message I get is ‘Could not autoconnect. Make sure that the USB cable is plugged in and that the VESC is powered.’
I also tried the android app vesc too but nothing comes up when scanning on bluetooth.
I’m close to just giving up and sending it to someone to repair it or just sell what I have and buy a board, so if anyone knows of someone in Spain who does repair I would appreciate it.
First of all, Hi
Let’s get a noob mistake out of the way. Is the stormcore in a build or just laying around? It actually needs external power from a battery.
Is the Stormcore brand new from Lacroix or second hand from someone?
Since you’re saying it’s brand new, I highly doubt it’s broken and needs repair. In the worst case scenario, with a new unit, you have a corrupted firmware that is pretty simple to reflash with a tool
Hi, Thanks for helping,
Yes its hooked up to the battery (fully charged) and motors. It’s a new one directly from Lacroix. Well that’s good news, hopefully it just need re-flashing. Do you know of some noob friendly instructions/ tutorial on how to do this?
Thanks again
I know of a noob friendly Lacroix support senior tech that’ll get you back to success.
Just email Charles and he’ll walk you through a small troubleshooting to pinpoint the problem and resolution.
Thank you very much
did you check in connection tab on refresh and then connect? sometimes the COM ports are a bit buggy, this one fixed it everytime for me
Are you using Windows 10? Mine doesn’t show any COM ports (greyed out) and I couldn’t find any drivers for COM ports that worked on my computers
Do you 3d print? I have noticed that some programs steal the correct ports. Especially 3d slicers. Make sure all programs are closed except Vesc tool. But if it’s not working on the app my guess would be that it just needs to be reflashed. I am no expert at Vesc tool though. I would talk to Charles and maybe while you are waiting for a response check out the official Vesc channel on YouTube. Also Benjamin Vedders personal channel. Sometime it’s just something silly you have over looked. The official Vesc Project page also has some gems in the forums on there. Usually have to dig for them though. Best of luck!
I have the exact same problem. I can´t connect to my stormcore. Even on a tablet with Win 8 it doesn´t work. I can´t configure them over bluetooth also… My Vesc 4.2 is able to connect but with only one cable. And the original stormcore cable included doesn´t work, my good cable doesn´t work and my third and last usb-c cable doesn´t work either. I can´t connect to my stormcore in any way.
Have you tried giving up and riding Ebikes?
This is bullshit advice and I hate seeing people spew this drivel.
Sorry should have made clear it was a joke.
Also I could have said Lacroix Support is not gonna leave you hanging.
This sounds like you just need to get a new ucb cable that you can confirm reads/ sends data with another device.
Bluetooth - I’ve only see work on the mobile app from a mobile device. So is your device seeing the radio it’s putting out? If not you need to contact lacroix support.
Windows 8 tablet- I would try to source another computer/laptop to rule out your device. Is it one of those early arm windows 8 tablets?
This is a thing to watch out for. Those tablets only emulate x86 applications (VESCtool) and don’t run them natively, so USB support is lost.
If everything fails I’m going back to my old VESC , but I bought him new sooooo… And I’m having a 50cc e-cooter that isn´t bad
That’s the point, the cables I used can do that. Atleast I could use them to send data from my phone to my PC and vice versa.
Yeah sorry, I meant that that - Bluetooth to the mobile App - doesn’t work either. I can´t connect via VESC Android app but if I open the stormcore app and “turn on” the vesc it appears but then it says “connecting” forever.
Yeah I´m gonna try another device, just have to organize one first. It´s a very early one but it worked with two of my HW 4. VESCs.
Just FYI the Situation was as follows: I received a new Stormcore, installed it in my board and wanted to set it up via the mobile VESC app. The App said, the FW is to new and I should lower it or update the app… the app is updated. I let it lower the FW and then it disconnected, the light turned off and I´m not able to connect in any way. BUT I don´t know - because I didn´t try it first - if it could have connected to the PC app anyway. I wrote an email to lacroix aswell and waiting for an answer or help .
This is good to know .
I’ve never heard of an instance of any version of vesc tool asking to downgrade a firmware of stormcore. Usually it’s upgrade or left you know that your using a firmware that’s old and needs update or a version of vesc tool that’s old and your firmware is newer.
Based on the new info you gave I would suggest finding a “real” computer/laptop to hardwire to see if you can reflash the firmware. It sounds like the app isn’t able to read your firmware so it can’t connect completely.
You may need to reload everything via swd
I was confused aswell tbh.
I guess I wasn´t clear , I tried it from my tower PC and it didn´t worked (and I tried it on my small tablet). BUT I will try it from another PC as soon as I can get to one. Maybe I’m gonna buy another USB cable just to be sure that it isn’t that. I would have reflashed the firmware on my PC as soon as it connected but it sadly didn’t.
What is swd?
my 100d wont turn on after following the tutorials from lacroix for the motor config. i bought new 6389s, connected to vesc tool no problem via usb c, beta tool wasn’t connecting and taking the firmware. Red flashing light from stormcore then it shut off and never turned back on. was in the process of trying another PC before it it did this. Good luck with support, my stormcore has been sitting for 2 weeks for pickup, which is supposed to be sent back to me any day now because they dont check their mailbox. Telling me over and over they’ll check it “today/tomorrow” my entire board has been in pieces sitting on the floor from when i did all this a month ago now…will probably be another month until i can get the board working again
Since i have to do all this over again when i have a working stormcore are there any tips to ensure that this goes smoothly when i have to use the beta tool to upload the firmware to the motors…