Can I get more torque

bet yhey haven’t gone above 30 but still claim 60 top speed

My vesc tool won’t let me access mapping

Use the pc

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I’ll have to, need to dig it out from the garage :man_facepalming:t2:

FreeSk8 app has throttle mapping. Should work depending on your bt modules FW

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App cfg → PPM → Mapping

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Id think with a 5:1 gearing, 140kv, and 100amps, even with 6” wheels you should have lots of torque.

I’ll do 1:1 gearing and 3.3” wheels and 100 amps and 70kv and good. (Sure there’s some easy math and we could figure exactly the torque for both of us.)

How much u weigh? Or if ur logging we could see what current is really passing.


Thanks mate, that did the trick, my board did accelerate for a split second on its own whilst writing this message :joy: dialled everything back up a bit now, deadband 10% positive ramp time 0.4 and throttle expo to 10%


I’m using 9”, 6” would be extreme torque and I’m around 75-80kg depending on the week I’ve had :rofl:


What is the battery max set to?

Maybe raise motor amps from 90A to 115A, lower battery amps 20%

Is that 550A battery output capability or 550A max battery amps setting on VESC? Because I don’t think I’ve seen an esk8 battery that do anywhere close to that and even 50A from the battery on dual motor is a LOT of power.


Battery capability, 1100 amps burst


I’ve got it sorted through the app config, definitely more torque now and battery amps are standard during setup, I haven’t messed about with that apart from cut off start and end and regen

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1100A is the fuse current for wire that’s 100mm² in diameter, that’s significantly bigger than 4 AWG wire, so I think you might need to check your maths on that one.

Are you basing it off C discharge ratings on a Lipo or are you using an honest to god car battery and truck jumper leads?


quick bote: the board will pull amps from the battery no higher than the motors are wanting to pull

even then it pulls jus about a 3rd of the Amps from the battery compared to the motors cause electricity
i think cause battery is DC and motors are essentially 3phase AC? something like that

unless you short it, then it pulls every last bit and then some


Basing on the c rating, 22ah @25c :man_shrugging:t2:

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And is it definitely 14S? I haven’t seen single packs of that voltage before and 2x7 is also a weird config

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wait but that’s just 550 Amps
it’s this a 2p pack?

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Yeah i think 50c burst or 40c, can’t remember