Bustin Hybrid Sportster Review

When the time comes would you be able to help me with figuring out the correct upgrades to make my board better quality as far as the electronics go .Obviously it hopfully won’t be for some time but it’s good to know I’m covered when that time comes .

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Why in the world?! Dongguan QC

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Sorry Spade was that aimed at me ? I didn’t understand your reply ?

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If u strip the motor of wire and the stator is still intact/undamaged with no exposed steel and beforehand u also recorded the resistance and inductance I’ll do it.
@Fozworth69 u could tap the hole for bigger threads. Bigger screw

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Looking forward to it

Mellow is single strand also, or was, don’t know if they are still in business, but I would say it was one the best engineered hubs I’ve seen so far



Motor does look pretty clean. Not sure if single strand is good or bad for hubs. Did you take any pics of the magnets?

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Yeh I’m going to take it to an engineering shop to see if they can do it .


Referring to the thread hole being larger than the rest… this annoys me much! Bad quality control or they gave you a bad replacement

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A machine shop will likely charge more than a whole suitcase of tools

@Pedrodemio that one I forgot about. Single strand. Filled stator as well. And greatly reduced cogging w the attached segments. Really nice. Christian Lucas of lrk fame who answers questions in rcgroups was saying he designed a similar segmented stator for trains long ago, or maybe he didn’t design it but knew about it and it was long ago now, he said it fell apart. The mellow seems to not have fallen apart. Maybe mellow also glues it besides the mechanical lock. If u have any more info on it please post it
@Resonant the single strand isn’t necessarily better but generally u can get more copper on w a single strand and it transfers heat away better than a hornets nest The neatness of the single strand is better for sure though in making more inductance. Winding the motor is about getting most inductance for least resistance and that’s pretty much it. Plus get it so it’s glued down well so won’t short and also doesn’t trap heat.


The original hub that came with the board had a stripped out thread or at least Super weakened .All I did was simply remove the bolts from the hub face plate so I could fit the 100mm wheel sleeves which I had purchased at the same time .The bolts were locktited in .All need a small amount of initial force to break the locktite seal and came out with no issue apart from one which turned pretty easy as soon as I turned it .I knew right away that it felt not quite right .as it came out small amounts of metal came with it ,this was the threads . I called them up but they only wanted to communicate via email ,which is not my fav way tbh .After initially pointing the finger at me they started to listen and except that maybe just maybe they might of let a hub go out the door with a poor thread .I was not ammused and after them saying could I get it fixed myself if they contributed to the cost as otherwise they would need the board back for a full rebuild ??? which would take 30+ days as I would have to wait at the back of the build que :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage: I came up with the idea that surly they could just remove a hub sleeve from another motor and ship that .This would be the quickest and cheapest way for all parties .They replied with "your a genius " which did make me wonder if they really understand these boards as surly that would of been a obvious solution that someone in the know would have instantly come up with ??? So two weeks after my board arrived my hub sleeve arrives and to my horror this time one of the inner mounting holes has very weak thread so as it won’t nip up like the rest I’ve used extra locktite and hope I don’t need to remove it again .The outer ones are all ok which are the ones I would more likely remove to swap wheels .
Rather pissed off so far though and wishing I’d stuck with evolve even though they have there fare share of niggles and cost twice as much .
Hopfully I will love the ride but weather has not allowed a session yet :disappointed:


This hub motor is just backfire and other motor. If needing just motor I can getting for you to replacing.


If you dig through they’re Instagram post there are a lot of info, I tried to get more info from Kilian, the engineer who design the drive itself, but no success

I know they didn’t design the motors themselves, but a German company that does motor design


They motor is making by Swiss company.


Or that, if you dig you will find some photos of the engineering reports, I remember there was one about cogging torque that may interest you @hummieee


I did a review on reddit last week of my sportster hybrid X. I can’t link it cause I just signed up but I have my issues with the board too.

They need some fine print somewhere or at the bottom of the page that says “range specs are with 160lb rider and in speed mode G2 (10 MPH top speed)”

I initially thought they accidentally sent me the sportster S because that was the top speed (27mph) I was getting on the 90mm wheels. And I only got 14 miles out of a full charge in speed mode 3 holding a mostly consistent 15 mph on a flat bike path. I emailed them and they told me that the range specs were for speed mode G2 and a weight of 160lbs. I weigh 170 so I still think the range is a disappointment.

Seeing this review is extremely helpful for me as I’m already looking to upgrade components so I can go the distance and go faster.


I would recommend buying a BKB dual kit for that and keeping this board as a fun neighborhood hybrid board.


Hi jeff, that motor looks different? There’s 6 ribs around the dualomo one to grip the pu wheel sleeves

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Yes i get the strong impression they dont know much about the e-boards they are selling, as they are very much a manual company relying on the tech expertise of their partner Dualomo… we could point them to this thread if it got any worse to send them a stronger message that would assist them in paying more attention to this area. My experience was 3 emails of disregard, before responding that it’s the holidays with backlogged sales - fair enough, i told them that i’d wish to hear from them after though… so let’s see.

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I just checked out the kits. They look good, and it seems like a better deal than what I bought. Do you have any experience with them?


This has same. If remove PU is same motor. I share other photo later.