OK, these are kind of hard to answer so I will comment below to the questions
Dinnye, post:1534, topic:211"]
First of all this will be my first split angle setup. Planning on doing 45-50 degree front (cal 2 50 deg plate + wedge if needed) and a 30 degree rear (Randal 42 plate + printed wedge). Haven’t decided on the final angles though.
When you decide on the angles, i will be better equipped to recommend
Hangers are Boardnamics 270mm, deck is an Earthwing Supermodel Drop Down, 41 inches long, around 30-31 inch wheelbase if I remember it right. Don’t think it will wheelbite. If it does maybe I can extend the wheelbase a little bit. Boardside I can only put standard height (.6 inch) bushings, but I prefer .75 generally… I like the extra lean and the more progressive turn I experience on them. I am considering grinding down the baseplate to fit 0.75 bushings and using a slightly longer kingpin, so I can have .75/.75. Is there a reason why I shouldn’t do that? Maybe how would a BS .6 bushing along with a RS .75 feel? I’ve only seen trucks with a taller BS than RS bushing so far.
I would not modify the base plate because it will weaken an already weak and short king pin interface which can cause catastrophic failure. If you want more lean out of .6" tall bushings, use a softer duro.
I weigh around 75-80kg, and my board is going to weigh around 18-20kg.
I need to be able to do high speeds, around 60-65 km/h max. And torque is going to be good as well. I want minimal turning but good lean in the rear (can’t go below 30 degrees though). As for the front, I like a stable center and a divey turn. The front should turn well when I lean hard. There should be a decent amount of lean as well. Is there any way to achieve that?
Yes, keep the front truck around 40 degrees for more lean and less turn at high speeds
Not tightly related, but this might help with recommendations. I love the feel of cast Ronin trucks. If we could replicate that with split angles of course, that would be great. I love the stable center and divey turning that they have, and I love their endless lean.
Everything you are asking for comes stock with the Stooge Raceboards 3-Link trucks
Edit: Also I have been thinking about trying out the riot plugs. It’s a slop stopper bushing that goes between the two normal bushings. Did you ever try those or something similar? Which duro would you recommend to not limit lean by much? A lower duro?
If the bushing fits the seat and the kingpin the slop stopper is superfluous because there is NO SLOP. All they do is slow the truck’s transition speed which some people find comforting. We make Kores for Don’t Trip trucks and recommend using a similar duro to the bushings you are using