@iespobolamas can you tell me more ab this battery? Is this a 12S3P, it kind of looks like 9 cells in each pack but I am confused about how you are wiring it up.
I think it’s doable then if Paris gives you a bit more clearance. Especially if you plan on using hubs, where you don’t have to worry about motor clearance. I’ll be using 90mm wheels on my Sportster. Can’t go much higher due to wheel-bite with caliber trucks anyway.
Fastening stuff in the enclosure…
i’m a big fan of velcro for keeping stuff where it should be, unfortunately if i use velcro to secure the battery i don’t think i’ll have enough clearance between the bottom of the deck and the 3 places where the wires crosses the enclosure divisions (see pretty arrows in the pic), want to avoid them rubbing
Any suggestions for keeping the battery in place that won’t raise it up any higher?
can i spray some builders foam around the edge between the battery and enclosure ;)?
I saw a thread mentioning silicone the other day but can’t find it now, was that your recommendation @b264 ?
or i guess i could route out a little bit of deck in those 3 places, i’d rather not though…
You could place the velcro between the battery and the deck, not between the battery and the enclosure. Then the velcro will even act as a spacer giving the wires crossing the sections more room
But yeah, craft foam / packing material on the sides around the battery is what I usually do.
I’ve used various closed-cell foams, rubber, and neutral-cure silicone.
Another option might be to put two bigger things on each side of the wire, that way any pinching won’t pinch the wire. IDK, just a random idea I’ve never tried.