BT module not cooperating

I honestly don’t know… :shushing_face: maybe try the @CiscoV route and wholesale them all! :thinking:I haven’t fucked with this in months, but soon I’m going to revisit this as I’m going to have to reconfigure the board as I’m going to be moving from 10s to 12s battery

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I reckon it’s just the phone… have you tried with iphone?

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fuck iphones jajajajajaja


i have a bkb module laying around, ill fuck around with it in a few days and see if i can get it to work anywhere

I feel the same way.

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Been there. Done that. I use the Flipsky ones now since I love the new vesc tool so freaking much…


That’s all well and good for you Raf, but I’ve sworn a blood oath to Skatan never to touch another flipsky product as long as I live…


I know. I know.
I think your options then are trampa module or metr… Or have someone buy the Flipsky ones for you. And lie and say they are something else… Don’t think they say flipsky


I would love to go all metr… better start saving :joy:

Hm10 bt module
Vesc 4.12 maytech ackmaniac FW. 3.103
LG stylo4

My telemetry work sometimes its hit or miss.
Settings are correct 9600. Ppm+ UART

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I’m thinking about making my own NRF Dongs from ebay or amazonian… The cost of Metr has gotten exponentially larger as my fleet has grown…


5 dongs $20 bux… some wires, a jst connector or two, some programming, and I’ll have 5 dongs for about the same cost as the brick hm-10

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Programming is just dropping firmware onto them with st-link right?


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I’m watching Vedders youtube and it looks like you program these off the VECS and then regonfigure the pin outs for UART doesn’t look like rocket science… check Raf’s link above and follow it down… to the Vedder link

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Never got my HM-10 modules working, tried several things but to no avail…
Never had problems with the Metr pro modules though.

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Based on the conversation it seems like the HM-10 modules are causing trouble for some people but not others. @BuildKitBoards Can you comment on what the issue could be/ are we doing something wrong? That would be great!

EDITED: Changed my stance to be less confrontational. My bad. Wasnt my intention.

I’ll look into it, it’s likely some funky thing with the firmware. The ACK app hasn’t been updated in for ever (and every android app for that matter).


I still have multiple HM-10 modules in use, a couple from BKB. That is not a safe assumption.


Anyone got a fix for this yet? I mine went down after I updated the ESCs…should I revert to a pre-2.0 vesc tool?

Checked the iOS description for Xmatic and I guess we are stuck using 3.62 software? Is @twan still in existence to update the app or is there anyone else working on the app?

I got my board back together and redownloaded the app in anticipation of dealing with shenanigans to get the BT to work and lo and behold the app was able to spot plenty of bluetooth devices. I am assuming the the modules default tag is “BLE_NAME” or “HMSoft” I can open both up and see the default screen but when I try to do configuring I get an ESC not connected error and spamming the connect button in the top doesnt seem to do anything. Thoughts?