Boomer gets hands on Arduino!

Hmmm,all wiring seems good except the ones coming from within the Focbox. When I wiggle them the Focbox disconnects from the Vesc tool?
My remaining hairs are populating my desk.

Visual IDE wtaf kill it with :fire:


something just flew over my head…

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Have you opened the case to take a look?

Not yet because wiggling has ceased to cause a disconnect now. I’m bald now.
I plugged the Ardunino into the pc and uploaded the sketch again to see if that would help.Of course not.
I did notice that whilst the Ardunio was still connected to the pc and the Foc powered down,the Foc was flashing a fault. Is that just because it is no longer powered from the battery,or is my little Focker trying to tell me something?. The Ardunio still has it’s power light on and still ‘sends’ when ‘button’ is activated. Fault light goes away when Foc is powered.Is there any way to test the Ardunio? Something like throwing into deep water would suit. You know the kind of thing:if it floats it works,if it sinks it was a witch.


I have experience with vescs (much of it painful), but nothing when it comes to Arduino.

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Off to the loch for me then

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Sorry, man. Wish we could offer more help. Realistically, the less it has to do with esk8 application, the lower your chances of getting it solved. Any chance you could do as Derelict suggested and get your buddy with the working unit to weigh in?

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Yes,BG, I’ve mailed him. He lives just round the corner in Australia . I’ve attached a message to my best carrier pidgeon(Speckled Jim) and hope to hear back from him sometime within 3 months(with favourable winds). Meanwhile…I took the little Focker to the garage and plugged it into the working board and it works as it should. So it’s not connections within the Foc. It’s got to be the Ardunio itself,or surrounding connections. I miss Derelict,terrible :confounded:

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If he can’t do it, no one can.

Super busy dude, as you might expect.



David, have you tried EndlessSphere forums? They’re mich more agnostic over there:

I am new to Arduino, I own a Kaly XLR and I am looking foward to use arduino boards to controle two servo motors.

they bassicaly work by adding resistance when picking up speed adding stability to the trucks. the problem is establishment of communication betwen ESC and Arduino soo I can controle the servos with RPM data. I use a dual Ubox 100V soo I have dual UART, PPM ports. I was also thinking about using hall sensor inpulses to program Arduino to understand time lenght betwen impulses has RPM data of the motor itself it seems pretty simple in terms of programation and does not require any programation on the VESC side. My hall sensors are 43F bipolar, they create 5volt impulse when magnets are close and 0 when magnets are away it seems prety simple to converte to understandable programtion language.

Do you guys have any suggestion to controle Servos with VESC RPM data.