Boardnamics Warning

there’s a saying here…

“Gear Drives Save Lives”

if they hear you coming, they won’t be as surprised when you pass them.


I usually scream at the top of my lungs when im right next to people :thinking:

Didn’t take long to start breaking something!!! You seem knowledgeable so that’s why these questions are directed at you.

One of my wheels wasn’t spinning as long as the other so I opened up the gear drive and my red n tacky was stained black. So I started grinding gear. I noticed a missing screw on the enclosure and the other 3 broke their loctite SUPER EASY.

  1. Putting in a new screw seems to have both wheels spinning for the same time again, should I be worried that was too easy a fix?

  2. How do I properly loctite the bolts to really not worry? I’ve only gone about 100 miles and already a loctite screw broke loose and backed itself all the way out to cause this.

  3. Someone said maybe a bit more red n tacky, how much is a bit more? Should I be on the too much side or the too little side?

  4. Am I overthinking this because of one little issue

Would send photos but imagine a paper towel with red grease but it’s more like a dark pink/grey and a gear with damage so little that I’m not sure I could get a photo of it. (The slave gear is the one that was grinding and it seems to be on the side of the gear, but the housing isn’t scratched up so idk what it was hitting to shave itself down.

my red grease always ends up turning gray/black… it’s inevitable/normal I think. stuff gets in

a small amount of blue loctite has always done the trick for me regarding the casing screws. if that’s not holding, try red. red behaves a lot like blue on aluminum

red - loctite 271
blue - loctite 242/243

@b264 :kissing_heart:


Is it contamination or wear from the gears that are making the grease turn black?

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Thanks! This helps, but I’m still having issues.

I think I’m going to start a new thread for it with photos n all, but one of my gear drives is getting way hotter than the other.

I kinda needed my board to commute but kept it under 10mph for safety. The issue gear is getting hot after only a mile or so below 10mph. I say hot but I mean like 80-100 F.

But if I crank the speed it’ll get way over 100. Everything is screwed in tightly.

Is there anyway the backlash tightened by itself? That’s the only thing I can imagine is too much friction.

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Nope, if the motor mounting screws which set the backlash were to loosen, you would loose driving force completely on that side and the gears would disengage basically.

Maybe the backlash was setup too tight to begin with, I don’t know.

The way I setup the backlash is that I first find the tightest spot on the gears, set the backlash to be a very slight amount of play there, then put on the case and tighten that down (doesn’t need to be super tight but it needs to be snug). And then check the backlash again to make sure that the case bearing supporting the gear didn’t cause the backlash to get too tight in the tightest spot. Then I take the case off, grease everything, and then it’s good to go.

I’ve had it before that the backlash felt perfect before putting the case on and then it felt too tight after putting the case on.

In my opinion it’s worth the extra steps to confirm if they are setup well.


What a ride, this thread went from bashing boardnamics to a shopping suggestion thread to now a boardnamics FAQ


That’s because Kevin intervened. Had he not, this would still be a bashing thread.


FWIW, something is being shipped to me from Boardnamics that has been sitting at “label created” on the tracking info for about a week, so I’m not sure everything is in the clear yet :sweat_smile:


I had the same thing, label was created June 2nd but last night it just updated to the shipment moving which was June 6th and estimated being 11th of June. Not sure why yours is taking a week but I would call USPS themselves or whichever carrier you have and see what’s going on

Nah Kev just needs to get it to the actual post office is all.


happens to me all the time, then it’ll just show up all of a sudden and a week’s worth of tracking info will appear the same day.

Replacement hangar and axles came in. Everything fits the way it should


If this is the new boardnamics botching thread I just wanna say I’ve lost my 14 Kegel adapter pins from my bnm1 drives across 4 gear adapters. Allegedly the first few were because of an issue with the first batch of drives but now I’m starting to think the pins are just press fit in there with nothing to secure them.

I have 4 pins left across 2 drives so I went ahead and coated the holes with jbweld before slamming the pins back in

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Haha there is always something! I made a whole thread for an issue before I got a hold of Kevin. Turns out there was a packing error and I got the O-rings for either the M1 or the M1-AT when I needed a special set of O-rings for strait cut gears… figures

The old ones used to be only pressed in

For a couple years they’re supposed to be installed with green loctite

well I got a new set earlier last year, they didn’t even last the year.

I’m not sure what they’re doing but the kegel interface needs to be rethought and redone. I’ve had to resort to jamming some M6 bolts in there to hold my wheels on, and making my completely unable to use my InfinityHubs, my Hollow Wheels or my Mad wheels

Epoxy solves problems

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