Boardnamics Warning

Sent Kevin a text, he will get back to you soon


Cool, if that doesn’t work out or you change your mind give me a PM and I’ll send you pictures. No pressure though

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Thanks, I appreciate it

Will do, you think you could PM the photos anyways just incase if it doesn’t workout and I just know the overall shape they’re in. I’m not sure if you’re willing to exchange one 10mm for one of your 8mm. I’ll just need the axles as well cuz I only have the 10mm axles

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Sorry to hear you are having trouble too. After some USPS shenanigans and lots of BN shenanigans, it’ll show up eventually.

You simply can’t count on a response, update, or progress on any given day or week. That’s what this whole post was about :confused:

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Only running 30 battery and 70 motor amps while I get back into it but already a blast!

Thanks @Boardnamics !!


Yep unfortunately. He did respond yesterday that he sent it out but hasn’t given a tracking # so we’ll see if it’s legit

got any photos of that setup? I struggled to get dual 6354s to fit…

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Dude you live in Boston??

Wyd today? Let’s go ride. DM’d you

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Hey @Boardnamics is this what the strait cut gears should sound like? It was a lot quieter on the first run into the second, but by ride 4 it seems louder so I’m wondering if my motors are slipping? I feel like I clamped them down good with plenty of loctite but you would probably know from the sound alone!


less is more with loctite

This is exactly how my BN straight cuts sound if that provides you any peace of mind


It sounds like you could put more red n tacky grease in there, but other than that I don’t hear anything wrong. Do you have your backlash setup well? Too much backlash or not much grease can make the coasting chatter louder than it needs to be.

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Backlash is the gap between the two gears? Otherwise I have no clue what you are talking about. Will put more grease in when I open it up tonight.

(The change in noise was likely bc I had loose mounting screws bc no locitite, silly me, lost 3 of the 6 screws too​:joy::sob:)


Tighter backlash = gears closer together, looser backlash = gears farther apart


just watched your video, and Danm those are like half as loud as mine, granted mine are gen 1 from the preorder. I’d be so happy to have mine sound like that again.

To summarize whats been talked about these few days…

“Guys my gears make gear noises and arent as quiet as belts. What should i do”

Nothing to worry about here. normal noise for straight cuts. they go reeeeee


Alright look…

I wanted loud but just didn’t know how loud it would be. Just making sure setup went alright. First few days seem most important.

Thanks for all the responses!