Boardnamics Warning

I would like to report that Kevin is dead sexy, just like his gear drives.


Photos or it didnt happen


Iā€™m gonna order some boardnamics gear drives as soon as I have my phone and wallet both at armā€™s reach. But, first I have to decide on whether to build another one, two, or three boards, and what ratio to get, but probably 2.4:1.

The freight probably will cost more than half as much as a set of the gear drives.

This thread went from a warning stay away message to a what should I order from Boardnamics thread.


Peeps love the shiny.

Get some photos up here of some raw aluminium and theyā€™ll start losing their minds


I just got done riding some original BN220 truck hangers, the raw aluminum ones before anodizing was a thing.

Well itā€™s only fair to report the positives along with the negatives.


I have a pair of 220s on the way!

I actually prefer the BN145 hangers now but itā€™s always a challenge trying to fit motors on them. Itā€™s worth it though.

6354s the max for a dual motor setup on the 145s. I went with dual M1 drives. I think the 145s can only support a single M1.

you can do 2x 6374 if you offset the mounts/gear drives

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With belts you could, not gears



Omg for real! I know damn well Iā€™m going back to BN the next time I want something budget for my buildšŸ˜­


last I checked, people always talk shit about their meth dealer, but always come crawling back.
im like two years clean or something. My dealer has higher grade meth


Still waiting to exchange one of my 220 trucks. Kevin said he had one 8mm bore left in stock, gave him my address and itā€™s been radio silence since may 22nd, kept messaging him if thereā€™s any updates but nothing. So not sure whatā€™s going on, if this somehow gets resolved I think Iā€™m gonna be done getting BN stuff for my builds going forward. I havenā€™t been in the esk8 game long enough to know if itā€™s normal or not for sellers to take this long but based on personal experiences, itā€™s irritating. Not sure how many of you are dealing with similar problems or exact problems. If nothing works out then Iā€™ll just sell the pair or see if anyone on the forum has a 8mm bore willing to give up. But as of now, my problem hasnā€™t gotten resolved yet


I didnā€™t know he made 220s with 10mm bores, do you have those hangers and want to swap them for 8mm or you donā€™t have any at all? I have some 8mm 220s Iā€™d swap for 10mm but mine have been used for a while now and Iā€™m in Ireland so I donā€™t think itā€™s worth your effort

You can always buy used or off other people, the gear is good


I guess he does cuz when I received them I got one in a 10mm bore and one that was a 8mm bore which yea Iā€™m trying to exchange that 10mm for a 8mm but not knowing how used yours is and the cost itā€™ll probably be to get them there. Dont want you going through that so either I wait or see if anyone has a 220 8mm bore truck theyā€™ll like to exchange for a 10mm or keep waiting for Kevin to respond which I donā€™t see happening

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Heā€™s more likely to respond if you tag him here.

@Boardnamics @KaramQ - customer in need