Boardnamics Warning

Instructions unclear JBwelded nuts to esk8


…for when you can’t get your hands on carbon nanotubes.

all I heard was post Boardnamics porn

with a side dish of vintage RP2000.


Well, I fucked up entering my password too many times on the boardnamics site and the server locked me out. Then I tried on my mobile data, same thing happened after the same number of failed attempts. Finally got in with another internet connection.

It’s been all day, and my home and mobile data still won’t let me I to the site. Anyone else had this? I can’t even go onto the site, yet alone login.

It’s not the boardnamics account, because the first time I was using the wrong email address to try and login.

Anyone else had and resolved this?

I also recently had an experience with boardnamics.
I had ordered a set of black BN220 hangers, split angle baseplates, and motor clamps.
I remember waiting about a week when I emailed BN asking for the tracking No. after no response for a couple of days, i messaged on the forum.
I was told that there were no black hangers in stock and my only option was red. (BN, please put the blue and red options on your website. Last I checked it only shows the black ones and says they’re in stock).
Then, strangely, I was emailed with a new option! Blue or red. I chose blue. And they were shipped the next day
When they were delivered I soon realized that one of the Surfrodz 8mm axles had both crooked threads and was ~0.09 mm too wide. But I had already hammered the axle in with red loctite.
So I messaged BN again on the forum, and waited a couple days for a response that never came.
Then I emailed BN and was send the replacement hanger and axles that had no defects.

To anyone ordering from BN. Understand that the eskate community is small and companies like them are often run by just a few people. It’s important to be patient when the customer experience is less than ideal. Always hold them and other companies accountable tho.

Dear Boardnamics,
Your products are great! These trucks are by far the most stable eskate setup I have ever ridden and the quality is unlike no other. They also look sick. Your experience would be even better if you polished up on you customer service response time and quality control. Otherwise great job!


I run a supa high gear ratio so my belt board is LOUD. Also I have a lot of gunk and metal shavings in my motors so that helps create noise too :man_shrugging:

How’s the eskate scene in Boston. It’s likely I’ll move out there in a couple of years

Better get out there quick, before they all ditch esk8 and start riding robot dogs


As long as you’re rocking a lot of Boardnamics parts, it will probably work out just fine.

Not a lot of esk8 here but we had 6 on a ride on Saturday. Mostly EUC, scooter etc but there are a handful hanging on to esk8.

lots of people never really sk8ed before esk8, and just got in on the hype because they thought it looked cool.

Back in my parent’s day we called them “posers”

Absolutely EUC dominated

Definitely one of those places people drive to group rides :nauseated_face:


You missed a good one Sat, was a fun time. Anyways, back to BN bashing! I heard Kevin puts the toilet paper roll on backwards.

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What if I dominated you with an EUC😜




Is it a Boardnamics EUC?


I dont know, I’ve heard those are good quality but take FOREVER to get moving.


I’m in some pretty big group chats but the ones that are SKATE specific are pretty dead. Lots of EUCs and some great people in general. The takeover in September is always great too.

Overall, it’s not great just because the weather can be all over the place, but if you want to find fellow riders, they are here!

I heard Kevin assembles his slave gear+bearing backwards😂

New O rings arrived, let’s ride soon!:muscle::muscle:

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