Boardnamics Precision 220mm Caliber II Hangers

If Jam nuts ain’t your thing… Feathering shaft wrench makes quick work of axle install/removal


@Boardnamics I would definitely pick up a set of fixed axles. A shoulder with square edge would definitely be nice for install, but the two but method does work. These would work great for all of your hangers. Spacers config for shoulders isn’t the easiest

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True, yes. However, machining notches for a wrench would weaken the shaft. Adding material there would increase the cost quite a bit because it would have to be machined from a bigger piece of stock. Also, adding a square portion takes up valuable axle length.
The PAIR of NUTS trick works great and is free :smiley:


mymoney …there are no words




:thinking::thinking::thinking: all shoulder bolts were the same length… why does one hanger shoulder bolts stick out more than the other?


That is odd, are you sure that the bolts on the one sticking out are tightened all the way?


:sweat_smile: yeah that’ll do it :rofl::rofl::rofl: all good now. Strange that they both felt tight at exact same spot


Ok WHAT @Boardnamics

The 184mm hangars are so cool! The shoulder bolt plops into the hangar hole and there’s a bit of air pressure built up in there, and it makes a pop sound when i pull the bolt out. Now that’s precision. Great work!


That’s weird, I would have expected the pressure to normalize again when you take the bolt out. Maybe you put it in, climbed up 10 stories, and then pulled it out? :laughing:


Nah hahaha.

Cus the space in the hangar is taken up by the bolt, when i pull the bolt out, the air can’t enter the hangar yet so it makes this satisfying pop. That’s the beauty of a nicely machined part.


It’s like this on the long ones too :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you get the smell too, or am I weird lol


What smell? Explain

It’s like a metallic stink when I pull out the shoulder bolt lol


There was a break in the 3 days of rain and I went for my first ride.

Best wet ride I’ve ever had. I only kinda felt bad about getting the grip dirty and I managed to not scratch the hangers at all. It felt amazingly stable, I need sunshine so I can hit a big hill. Probably should switch to non rounded wheels.

My shoulder bolts actually had some small alu chips in the threads after I screwed them in the first time. Good thing I saw them and cleaned them out. @Boardnamics Maybe this should be in the instructions to watch out for.

I don’t really smell it, but i’d assume its a bit of the leftover coolant from machining the hangar hole.


It is likely grease. The long ones have it, the short ones don’t seem to. This is from the final process when they ream the hole to size.


Out of the box they are pretty squeaky.

What do people like to use for bushing lubrication?
I have a tea candle that I think is parifin wax.

Seems much quieter now. One truck still cracking quite sharply. I might have put a tiny cut in the bushing I hope that isn’t an issue. More wax :thinking:

I’m not well versed with shoulder bolt type trucks.

Would there be an issue with the bolt accidentally coming loose from riding with grease where the threads are? I figured it would hold better without it.

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