Guys, cmon, let him fully release this geardrive for caliber trucks. There’s like 1 or 2 out there now and all impossible to get. Y’all have enough toys for mountainboards already :c
Srsly forget about Caliber II trucks. If you’re spending $160 on gear drives just spend the extra for Boardnamic precisions.
Also I completely nutted when I saw this @Boardnamics
Already got them! Definetly waiting to see the buy button appear somewhere
Boardnamics Matrix II gear drive will be available end of this year or early this year, depending on how this goes.
The precision clamp for my hangers w/ the matrix II arm can come much earlier, like within 2-3 weeks.
Is @Anubis going to stock these? I would love a set with 220mm hangers so I can build my girlfriend a board.
Also, max motor length on those 220mm hangers with the geadrives?
This be the question.
+1 for the helical release though
Fuck it, I want to hear them go REEEEEEEEEEE as I zoom past people.
Straight cut go reeeeeeee
Would like to hear this sports car sound tho
Maybe not quite like a V8 but, a distinctly different sound than belts.
Beautiful. It sounds like that at high RPMs (past 25mph) for most builds.
Awesome stuff, can’t wait to see it out in the wild
I want them for the matrix 2s as well
Can I order mine now
I’ll go ahead and answer that
I’m excited about these, but worried about alu on alu.
So DOPE! What size motor shafts are supported for the gear drives 8mm? 10mm? Both?
Def going to get a set!
I’m guessing no Trampa support coming? If not then I’ll buy some new belt drives. Otherwise I’ll wait. I’d need 5:1+ ratio , mbs bolt pattern, Trampa trucks. Totally get it if that’s not going to be an option for a long time