Boardnamics M1 Gear Drive + Other News

Nothing like frying a speed controller and drivetrain all at once …Nothing like hitting a curb …bustin yo ass and not having a way home.


Breaking my ankle. Was able to ride home somehow

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It’d be a little bit nicer if it was only the ESC and ass that got busted, but hey, do what you want!

I know some of you guys like shit that breaks, so have at it, rock on dudes :metal:

Having options is always a good thing, though.


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Adrenalin. Its a wonderful drug


You get about 45-1 hr then all bets are off.


good thing i got 2.78 in straight! :yum::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


i normally keep that at 85 but to see if that made a difference i raised it to 90 and nothing changed. same wheel size, KV, gear ratio and total different top speeds. strait cut- top speed 35, helical- top speed 30.


Must be just in my head then lol. Sorry.
Thats odd, the efficiency can’t be that much different to drop 5 mph. Odd


must’ve gained weight, quick.


What happened to your Ubox when it spontaneously combusted? I’ve heard this from someone else also. I was considering buying one but spontaneous combustion sounds scary.
Holy moly how are you alive from hitting the curb at 45mph


Thanks so much Kevin! The M1-AT drives are killer! @Bandito and I spent all of yesterday assembling them and throwing his board together.

Installation was a bit tricky, mainly just pressing the drives onto the trucks. It would’ve probably been easier if we ground down the hangers a bit before pressing them on… Worked out in the end though, but pressing them on expanded the part of the drive where the wheel gear bearing sits so hopefully it won’t need to come off anytime soon.

We also had to cut off the ends of the hub bolts as they were a bit too long and were touching the case. Other than that though everything went together very smoothly.

Ended up using red loctite for the motor gear. We figured red and green both require heat to come off so not a huge difference. Plus I didn’t have any green, but plenty of red.

We used Red & Tacky grease after reading through this thread that it seemed to be king. Seems pretty good! Not sure if we put too much on, but there isn’t much rolling resistance so I think it’s okay.

Loving it!


How tight should the truck adapter be? (M1AT on matrix 2) I have sanded the truck down a little but I don’t want to over sand it. What’s the best way to hammer it on? There isn’t much surface area for my hammer and it’s damaging the edge.

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wood blocks :grin:

Hard press fit is prob fine. it will see a ton of vibration.

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How do I do this? I make a hole in a wood block that fits the axle and hammer on that?

I did this. I hammer the top of the other side. How do I know when it’s fully on?
If I’m not able to get it on with hammering then that means I should sand more?

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Can someone show me a closeup of how far it goes on relative to these holes? (I know it’s not fully on in this pic)

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We used bearings with the axle nut to press it onto the hanger. You probably want to avoid using a hammer for that. it’s pretty much permanent once you get it on and it goes just to the edge of the big hole on the hanger.