BNE to LA with an esk8

What would be the best way to do it?

I figure checking the board in as oversize baggage is easy, minus the battery of course. Then buy lipos over there. I’m assuming they’re easy enough to source stateside? I’ve got a brother in san Diego so I could order in advance easily enough.

But how to get the batteries home? Ive hit up a few shipping companies and they won’t do batteries without the appliance. Just take the driveline off and ship the deck enclosure and pack home?

Bit of a pipedream at the moment but the wife has given permission for Vegas.


Lipos gonna be above 100Wh when separated?

140 by the looks :sleepy:

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“with airline approval” says you can bring 2 back :person_shrugging:
Probably depends on how bad of a day the security employee has had.

I’d be looking into this as your best bet. Perhaps even ask if mboards can help you out with the shipping.

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Yeah it’d be a risk… I’ve had to dump shit in airport bins before. Definitely something I’d rather avoid.

IMO, best way is to build flight safe packs like @poastoast, @rusins, and Liam (@?) did. and then plug them together when you arrive in LA.


What was the config?

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Couldn’t find the one from Poast but I’m pretty sure it’s a similar idea

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Do you have a timeline? Maybe hit @Tony_Stark up about his pcb pack thingamy… i have a blurry memory that it was almost completely demountable down to cells.

Dont hold it against me if i have it wrong, im often confused and irresponsible most of the test of the time

Haha well it does look like he packed that prototype in his luggage somehow

UPS will allow it if you can meet their requirements but that might be more hassle than it is worth

You could also buy a pack in advance, have it sent to your brother but have someone lined up to buy it off of you once you’re done. That way there is no need to worry about shipping it via plane so long as the buyer is in NA.

many many 6s1p packs


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just make sure you don’t use tiny balance wires lol

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I have 12 1s4p packs
I’m also working on a basic PCB to make it easier to connect for me but it’s still WIP

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We brought the board without a battery :frowning:
Even the 1S modules are more than 55wh.

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Maybe the Esk8 con organisers could source some packs to rent for the event? Help out those flying in

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I’m well aware it’d be a very humbling having my arse handed to me experience but I’d want to race for a bit of fun. Id have to book flights now but not knowing if I could actually get a rider ticket is a worry too. How hard are they to secure? I can imagine them being in high demand next year.

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They ran out in a couple weeks for 2023 I believe (90 tickets available). I bought mine at the end of January

I expect they may run out faster 2024 tho

Also MBoards was a board shipment acceptance place before, not sure if they’ll do it again