The Prince | 12s10p flight-safe Idea deck build

Building the first battery module

Since I have a 10p pack, I figured I might as well build this battery for high current capabilities. I pull 80A from my urethane build, so 90A I would be very happy with.

Each pack is actually slightly taller than an XT-90, so that + 10AWG wires it is. The problem – the cell layout.

As you can see, the space in each box for the wires is parallel to the cells. This was fine for the original 10s1p batteries, but this means I don’t have easy access to the ends of the cells. Space is limited height wise, and I don’t have copper braid, so to get enough current carrying ability I need to be smart with my nickel placement.

This was my first idea – to use a 25mm x 0.2mm nickel strip on top of the pack. This would have been good enough for 30A per strip IMHO, so 60A total. But then I realized I could fold the strip I weld to the cells as well, and thus have 2 such strips carrying the current –

So that’s what I did.

  1. First I glue the cells together with hot glue

  1. Then I add fishpaper

  1. Weld the first nickel strips

(Lot of welds because I was experimenting with settings still)

  1. Add solder on top of the strips, and then melt the 2nd layer of nickel on

  1. Drill + dremel the slot on the side for the wire exit, and a bit of junk off the lid


  1. Do a bunch of soldering

7 Glue the original wire exit shut

  1. Glue the cells in place, add some kapton tape and close the box with 4 M3 bolts :slight_smile:

Then repeat 11 more times :sweat_smile: