Check these velcro straps out. I think with velcro on the bottom of the box and one or two of these straps holding it down, your box shouldn’t go anywhere.
I haven’t gotten much further than just getting these straps and doing a mock-up on a board, these things look promising. The Onetigris one definitely looks larger and more durable, but the other one is made of an elastic type material which could be good as a final over wrap to further hold everything down. Here’s a couple mock up views and links.
For scale
Concave creates gap under strap?
Maybe splint foam can fi…
Here’s another idea that uses heavy duty velcro straps and elastic velcro bands. I haven’t ridden it much more than around the block to test yet, but it feels pretty solid and holds up a 10s3p pack easily. I was trying to make a temporary, swappable enclosure to test different board setups.
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