Bioboards Helical steel geardrive All In One system

its not vaporware @mackann XD


Final version of channel truck soon ready, need some testing first.


@mackann wat grub screws for the axles and lock nuts do i need i didnt get either with my review box idk if that was intentional or not?

No need for grubscrew for axle, green loctite will do it

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Lock nuts for?

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I assume wheel retention

Yup like cyan said, wheel hub retention

Yup they green loctited in already, thought the grubs where important too.

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Do these work with 8mm shaft motors?

Technical yes, but we did not make any motor pinion for it so it’s not possible atm.

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Nice, about the last part i dont see why that is a problem you can move slightly the wheel gear hub when you have no wheels installed?

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imo its a problem due to the fact that if the spacing for the wheel hub and the adapter isnt perfect itll cause the wheel gear itself to push and scratch the front casing of the gear box, which in my experience from other gear drives this issue doesnt exist as there is a case bearing that prevents it

Are you trying out a new deck design with these new trucks? :sunglasses:


What’s the specs on this bad boy?